First legal racing night in Moscow (27 photos)

In Moscow, the first night race legal
Racers competed in the area between the street Deer shaft and Bogorodskaya highway. Road traffic was blocked there at three o'clock. Recall that the decision on the allocation of this site for the races was adopted in December last year.
The length of the "track" was 402 meters, as much as is required by the rules of "drag racing" paired linear races. At the competition was attended by about a thousand people. Note that for security reasons, the track was separated from the audience by concrete blocks. Recall that the organizers of the event were the Prefecture of the Eastern District and the Federation of Automobile Sports of Moscow. As the prefect venue for races all technical requirements are satisfied. Thus, the road surface was checked by special utilities in advance. Provides duty along the route of the doctors and firefighters. As the prefect, the noise of car engines has not prevented other Muscovites rest, as living quarters are a good distance from the place of the races. It is reported by radio station "Echo of Moscow».
However, it was not without problems. There have been only five races, which, of course, did not satisfy the wishes of the audience. The reason for this is that part of the watch the race of people left their seats and were on the road. The event had to cancel it for safety reasons.
