America during the Cold War (40 photos)

These posters were very very common at the time.

Simple and popular thing - a home shelter, in fact - a metal container with a toilet and a cot, we now have such Tajiks live on construction sites.

Owner was supposed to dig deeper into the container in the back yard, install a vertical pipe with a ladder and wait for a nuclear war.

Water "purified»

post-nuclear emergency kit cookies. The manufacturer - company for the production of biscuits.

calendar for vyschityvaniya residence time in the shelter.

A refuge for the poor

"The US government recommends a must-have in your shelter these things»

I think no one should translate the inscription.

Civilian gas mask with a glass darkly - not to be blinded by the flash on impact.

Children's mask in the form of Mickey Mouse! First coined by Walt Disney during his Pearl Harbor, and is available now, though the form has changed little:

Again, children's mask, though quite small for.

classic civil dosimeter

The kids from childhood should be able to determine the radioactivity

Game for future navigators

Toy nuclear reactor on batteries

"Nuclear pistols and rifles Atomic»

Simple gadget - nuclear howitzer

Nuclear Laboratory, 1959
Contained spinthariscope, a simple cloud chamber, electroscope and 2 radioactive sample - uranium and radium.

The game "Nuclear War»
Good ending the game - in the end everyone igromu getting any card that "nuclear war no winners." Draw.

And for dessert - the same prohibitions notorious SET «Gilbert U-238 Atomic Energy Lab», containing heavy isotopes of uranium in the form of a children's toy.
Sold for only one year, from 1951 to 1952, after forbidden to turnover. Cost $ 50, now sold nearly 500.
