Bonnie and Clyde
"... Let the heart of the pain you are suffering,
And aging in death will take.
But adversity Bonnie and Clyde fate
Do not compare your small adversities!
Day comes,
And fall on eternal sleep
In neskorbeyuschey loose soil.
And a sigh of relief the country and the law,
They were sent into oblivion ».
Bonnie Parker poem "The Story of Bonnie and Clyde»
Names Bonnie and Clyde known nowadays probably the same as 70 years ago. Their criminal history and to this day remains one of the most tragic and romantic. What led them to this final?
Read more in the continuation of the story
Bonnie Elizabeth Parker was born in Texas, October 1, 1910 in the family stonemason. When the head of the family died, his mother Bonnie trёmya children moved to a suburb of Dallas, where the girl in vozras 14 years went to school. Bonnie learned very well, getting high marks from the literature, acting. The biggest craze girls - photo.
But after two years of study she got bored, and September 25, 1926 Bonnie married a young man named Roy Thornton. Family life did not work, and after leaving her husband, seventeen year old Bonnie got a job as a waitress in "Cafe Marco" in East Dallas. Despite the break with her husband, Bonnie did not remove wedding ring until his death.
Clyde Barrow Chestnot was born in Texas, March 24, 1909. At an early age older brother Clyde Buck taught first lessons theft. For the first time Clyde gets to the police in 1926 for stealing a car. After a few minor crimes (Clyde and Buck stole a couple of other turkeys), the boy was in reform school for minors. At the age of 16 years, Clyde, dropped out of school, gets a job. In this case, a long time he never delayed. Clyde enjoys playing the saxophone, and spends hours on the contemplation of the beautiful and rich car.
In 1928, ran away from home, Clyde decides independently to organize the theft. His first attack on the gaming hall in Fort Bend County, where, threatening broken gun, he disarms the two guards, ended successfully for Clyde. And at the end of 1929 - beginning of 1930 Clyde and Buck wanted by the police for many cities.
In the early 1930s, felt a twinge of hunger, Clyde went into one of the cafe where the waitress was just a tiny red-haired girl - his future lover. It was love at first sight. Clyde lady spoke at length about his "heroic" adventures. Bonnie was so fascinated by the exploits of her lover for the first time in his life for the sake of a loved one went on the offense, when Clyde was arrested for an armed raid, Bonnie, going on a date at the police station, was able to organize his escape, secretly handed the gun.
Going out into the wild, Clyde continued looting and petty theft. Catches are negligible, and Bonnie angry. She is a supporter of large-scale actions. Therefore Bonnie Clyde acquainted with his former lover Raymond Hamilton. April 27, 1932 they go on a joint business - music store robbery. However, the seller refused to open the cash register, resisted and had to shoot.
It was the first murder of Clyde Barrow. Production amounted to just $ 40. But now he's not afraid of anything, because the death penalty if caught already earned. Five months later, when the Clyde and Hamilton were drinking whiskey in the ballroom in Atoka (Oklahoma), the local sheriff and his assistant asked them to remove the bottle and instead of answering received a bullet. Assistant died, the sheriff was wounded.
After that, Bonnie said the guys that have enough to play with toys, time to get to the present case. And they went to car thefts, robberies of banks, petrol stations and shops. But the work of the three of us did not last long. Soon Hamilton was arrested and sentenced to 264 years in prison.
"After the arrest of Bonnie Hamilton learned to shoot - writes biographer John Chevy criminal couple - showed a real passion for firearms. Their car turned into a great arsenal: a few machines, rifles and shotguns, a dozen revolvers and pistols, thousands of rounds of ammunition. With the help of Bonnie Clyde masters the art in a few seconds to snatch a rifle from a specially sewn along the leg pocket. This kind of virtuosity both very entertaining. They produce their own elegant style murders.
In all this, Bonnie attracts primarily romantic and heroic aspect of the matter. She realizes that she chose death. But it's nicer to her than previously experienced by boredom. With the monotony of life measured for others it is finished forever. It is famous in its own way. At the very least, will speak about it ».
From now on Bonnie and Clyde murder committed with remarkable ease. Together with the new members of the gang 17-year-old William Jones, they steal a car and shot at killing the owner, tried to block their way. Next victim Clyde - Sheriff Fort Wood Malcolm Davies, who wished to check the documents for the car. Clyde just cut it in half machine gun. This is his principle - shoot without hesitation at the slightest sense of danger.
In 1933 was released from prison Buck Barrow and also joined the band.
The technique of "work" of the same type. Bonnie sitting in a car with the engine running and the guys break into a bank and shout loudly: "Robbery!" In most cases, the weapons do not even have to use. Sometimes it turns out to be close to the police, but the cars have gang always more powerful and reliable police rattletrap.
It makes no sense to retell in detail all the many adventures of the gang, the incredible luck of Bonnie and Clyde, many times to wriggle out of the most seemingly hopeless situations. One day, when police seized nearly criminals in their temporary shelter found unfinished poem "Dirty murder." Its author was Bonnie. Other her hobby - photography.
During the endless shootings and car chases died Buck Barrow and Jones, unable to withstand stress, deserted and surrendered to police. Then in January 1934, Clyde made a daring attack on a prison farm, where Hamilton drove to work, and after a shootout with security guards released him and a few other prisoners. Among them was and shy peasant boy Henry Methvin, who, along with Hamilton joined a gang. Soon, however, after a quarrel with sharing the loot Hamilton leaves colleagues. In late February, Clyde kills two police officers in April another. Thus, the total number of victims approached the half dozen.
At this time in Texas arrested Hamilton, and to avoid the death penalty, he attributes the crime of Bonnie and Clyde. Having learned about it from the newspapers, Clyde wrote a letter to the judge humiliating, fully confirming the testimony of Hamilton. Bonnie, incidentally, also periodically send letters to newspapers - including his poems.
In May of the same year, after many failures, Sheriff Frank Hamer, has vowed to find and neutralize the Bonnie and Clyde, was able to organize an ambush on a country road. As a decoy sheriff used Metvina old farmer, father Henry Methvin, promising him leniency in relation to a son, an accomplice of a couple. May 22, 1934 "Ford" Clyde and Bonnie was shot in an ambush by six police officers. 167 bullets flashed the car, 50 of them were bandits.
Journalists Frank Hamer said: "I'm sorry I killed the girl. But it was like this: we have them, or they us ».
Among the "creative heritage" Bonnie Parker remained poem "The Story of Bonnie and Clyde," which ends so:
And if once
have to die,
Lie to us, of course,
in one grave.
And my mother would cry,
reptiles and laugh.
For Bonnie and Clyde
come peace.
And Bonnie and Clyde knew what they themselves condemned, but the thirst for colorful life led them to where it was and had to lead - to the same colorful and tragic end.
Items that once belonged to the criminal couple Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow, at international auctions are estimated very high: for example in 1998 the famous bandit car was sold for 250 thousand. Dollars, took the gun for 69,000, hats estimated at over 30 million. < br />
But the most unique lot is considered a famous notebook Bonnie, exhibited at the New York auction «Bonhams» June 20, 2007. More precisely, this is not a notebook, and passbook Texas First National Bank, storing 5 poems and a poem from the pen of Bonnie. In his works, Bonnie wrote about the relationship with the partner in criminal business.
Analysts agree that the verses, though not very talented, but quite clearly indicate that the union of Bonnie and Clyde would have been impossible without a criminal plot in their lives. But, despite this, the rumor that Clyde was a homosexual, and Bonnie as a woman did not interest him, still not dispelled until the end.
And aging in death will take.
But adversity Bonnie and Clyde fate
Do not compare your small adversities!
Day comes,
And fall on eternal sleep
In neskorbeyuschey loose soil.
And a sigh of relief the country and the law,
They were sent into oblivion ».
Bonnie Parker poem "The Story of Bonnie and Clyde»
Names Bonnie and Clyde known nowadays probably the same as 70 years ago. Their criminal history and to this day remains one of the most tragic and romantic. What led them to this final?
Read more in the continuation of the story

Bonnie Elizabeth Parker was born in Texas, October 1, 1910 in the family stonemason. When the head of the family died, his mother Bonnie trёmya children moved to a suburb of Dallas, where the girl in vozras 14 years went to school. Bonnie learned very well, getting high marks from the literature, acting. The biggest craze girls - photo.
But after two years of study she got bored, and September 25, 1926 Bonnie married a young man named Roy Thornton. Family life did not work, and after leaving her husband, seventeen year old Bonnie got a job as a waitress in "Cafe Marco" in East Dallas. Despite the break with her husband, Bonnie did not remove wedding ring until his death.

Clyde Barrow Chestnot was born in Texas, March 24, 1909. At an early age older brother Clyde Buck taught first lessons theft. For the first time Clyde gets to the police in 1926 for stealing a car. After a few minor crimes (Clyde and Buck stole a couple of other turkeys), the boy was in reform school for minors. At the age of 16 years, Clyde, dropped out of school, gets a job. In this case, a long time he never delayed. Clyde enjoys playing the saxophone, and spends hours on the contemplation of the beautiful and rich car.
In 1928, ran away from home, Clyde decides independently to organize the theft. His first attack on the gaming hall in Fort Bend County, where, threatening broken gun, he disarms the two guards, ended successfully for Clyde. And at the end of 1929 - beginning of 1930 Clyde and Buck wanted by the police for many cities.
In the early 1930s, felt a twinge of hunger, Clyde went into one of the cafe where the waitress was just a tiny red-haired girl - his future lover. It was love at first sight. Clyde lady spoke at length about his "heroic" adventures. Bonnie was so fascinated by the exploits of her lover for the first time in his life for the sake of a loved one went on the offense, when Clyde was arrested for an armed raid, Bonnie, going on a date at the police station, was able to organize his escape, secretly handed the gun.

Going out into the wild, Clyde continued looting and petty theft. Catches are negligible, and Bonnie angry. She is a supporter of large-scale actions. Therefore Bonnie Clyde acquainted with his former lover Raymond Hamilton. April 27, 1932 they go on a joint business - music store robbery. However, the seller refused to open the cash register, resisted and had to shoot.
It was the first murder of Clyde Barrow. Production amounted to just $ 40. But now he's not afraid of anything, because the death penalty if caught already earned. Five months later, when the Clyde and Hamilton were drinking whiskey in the ballroom in Atoka (Oklahoma), the local sheriff and his assistant asked them to remove the bottle and instead of answering received a bullet. Assistant died, the sheriff was wounded.
After that, Bonnie said the guys that have enough to play with toys, time to get to the present case. And they went to car thefts, robberies of banks, petrol stations and shops. But the work of the three of us did not last long. Soon Hamilton was arrested and sentenced to 264 years in prison.
"After the arrest of Bonnie Hamilton learned to shoot - writes biographer John Chevy criminal couple - showed a real passion for firearms. Their car turned into a great arsenal: a few machines, rifles and shotguns, a dozen revolvers and pistols, thousands of rounds of ammunition. With the help of Bonnie Clyde masters the art in a few seconds to snatch a rifle from a specially sewn along the leg pocket. This kind of virtuosity both very entertaining. They produce their own elegant style murders.
In all this, Bonnie attracts primarily romantic and heroic aspect of the matter. She realizes that she chose death. But it's nicer to her than previously experienced by boredom. With the monotony of life measured for others it is finished forever. It is famous in its own way. At the very least, will speak about it ».

From now on Bonnie and Clyde murder committed with remarkable ease. Together with the new members of the gang 17-year-old William Jones, they steal a car and shot at killing the owner, tried to block their way. Next victim Clyde - Sheriff Fort Wood Malcolm Davies, who wished to check the documents for the car. Clyde just cut it in half machine gun. This is his principle - shoot without hesitation at the slightest sense of danger.
In 1933 was released from prison Buck Barrow and also joined the band.
The technique of "work" of the same type. Bonnie sitting in a car with the engine running and the guys break into a bank and shout loudly: "Robbery!" In most cases, the weapons do not even have to use. Sometimes it turns out to be close to the police, but the cars have gang always more powerful and reliable police rattletrap.

It makes no sense to retell in detail all the many adventures of the gang, the incredible luck of Bonnie and Clyde, many times to wriggle out of the most seemingly hopeless situations. One day, when police seized nearly criminals in their temporary shelter found unfinished poem "Dirty murder." Its author was Bonnie. Other her hobby - photography.
During the endless shootings and car chases died Buck Barrow and Jones, unable to withstand stress, deserted and surrendered to police. Then in January 1934, Clyde made a daring attack on a prison farm, where Hamilton drove to work, and after a shootout with security guards released him and a few other prisoners. Among them was and shy peasant boy Henry Methvin, who, along with Hamilton joined a gang. Soon, however, after a quarrel with sharing the loot Hamilton leaves colleagues. In late February, Clyde kills two police officers in April another. Thus, the total number of victims approached the half dozen.
At this time in Texas arrested Hamilton, and to avoid the death penalty, he attributes the crime of Bonnie and Clyde. Having learned about it from the newspapers, Clyde wrote a letter to the judge humiliating, fully confirming the testimony of Hamilton. Bonnie, incidentally, also periodically send letters to newspapers - including his poems.

In May of the same year, after many failures, Sheriff Frank Hamer, has vowed to find and neutralize the Bonnie and Clyde, was able to organize an ambush on a country road. As a decoy sheriff used Metvina old farmer, father Henry Methvin, promising him leniency in relation to a son, an accomplice of a couple. May 22, 1934 "Ford" Clyde and Bonnie was shot in an ambush by six police officers. 167 bullets flashed the car, 50 of them were bandits.
Journalists Frank Hamer said: "I'm sorry I killed the girl. But it was like this: we have them, or they us ».
Among the "creative heritage" Bonnie Parker remained poem "The Story of Bonnie and Clyde," which ends so:
And if once
have to die,
Lie to us, of course,
in one grave.
And my mother would cry,
reptiles and laugh.
For Bonnie and Clyde
come peace.
And Bonnie and Clyde knew what they themselves condemned, but the thirst for colorful life led them to where it was and had to lead - to the same colorful and tragic end.
Items that once belonged to the criminal couple Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow, at international auctions are estimated very high: for example in 1998 the famous bandit car was sold for 250 thousand. Dollars, took the gun for 69,000, hats estimated at over 30 million. < br />
But the most unique lot is considered a famous notebook Bonnie, exhibited at the New York auction «Bonhams» June 20, 2007. More precisely, this is not a notebook, and passbook Texas First National Bank, storing 5 poems and a poem from the pen of Bonnie. In his works, Bonnie wrote about the relationship with the partner in criminal business.
Analysts agree that the verses, though not very talented, but quite clearly indicate that the union of Bonnie and Clyde would have been impossible without a criminal plot in their lives. But, despite this, the rumor that Clyde was a homosexual, and Bonnie as a woman did not interest him, still not dispelled until the end.