Artifacts ancestors (7 photos)
Sent by: Artem
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I was born and raised in aviation, the territory of which 70% are aviation enterprises varying degrees of privacy. By virtue of age, my childhood and youth held during the full decline, the apogee of which were, as they are now called playfully, "dashing nineties". One of the strongest impressions of that time - dump aircraft. In my childish mind does not fit the idea that here these incredibly beautiful and big cars, will never see the earth from above. I frantically climbed on the remains of the fuselage, wings, risking to break its neck, so "dead", abandoned machinery and the general mood of the local "Fallout" lodged almost in the subconscious.
At older ages, already in college, I had access to almost all the secret city enterprises. Walking through the dead corps, seeing the former and the current scope of desolation - the memories and feelings that I experienced as a child, only reinforce and complement the new images. Incredibly painful looks empty dusty room with standing in disarray Kuhlmann, scraps of unfinished drawings, rays of light, weak to break through the dirty glass and dust flying in the air. Posters on the walls tells how to rescue a comrade in case of bombing or chemical hazards, yellowed photos of leaders on the wall newspaper in '89, and from the sounds heard only the echo of his own footsteps. The country in which several generations defended, for which invented and sacrificed, no more.
Most recently, I had to experience echoes of these emotions again. By the will of the service I again postings in Kazakhstan. I was fortunate to work with a wonderful man Vladimir Salyninym. He is head of the DSO "Orbit", which stands for Center for Space Communications. At the station he works for several decades, and saw, in general, all the metamorphoses and progress kosmosvyazi.
In '68 All-Union launched the project "Orbit", which 70 was completed. Its goal was to spread the TV, now it is easy to imagine, but then "TV" is a 1 channel, the entire territory of the Union. The number of such stations in the tens, if not hundreds. The area was completely new, the whole experience had to purchase from scratch. First satellites were not even geostationary, which meant that the antenna around the clock watching satellites flying by Lightning - 1, 2, 3 and so on.
The system worked as follows, a signal transmitted from Moscow studios in the center of the transmission space, located in Dubna and Bear Lake. There with the help of extremely powerful transmitters to broadcast the signal in space, where he was received by satellites. The radiation power was such that birds exposed to the radiation pattern of the antenna - burned, for 10 kilowatts is not a joke. Then the satellite analog transmission covers the entire country. Where it took just such station is already transmitting to the local television station, which in turn broadcast signal for brownies antennas. All the equipment is not difficult to guess it was a tube, and no computers, so that the service was quite interesting antenna problem.
In '75 satellites finally transferred to the geostationary and the antenna no longer prowl, tightly his eyes staring at the sky. Also in this period, there was a complete renewal of equipment and the station have been put amplifiers are cooled with liquid nitrogen! Operating temperature have been in the region of -170 degrees. Then, in addition to one channel using the system became common radio signal "beacon". As such, all lasted up to 96 years. Then all the equipment was dismantled and replaced by a foreign transferor telephony signals, and an ambitious project was finally closed.
Looking at all of these glands, I feel about the same feelings as the archaeologist, looking at the pyramids in Egypt. Builders and inventors of all this, seem to me by some demigods, to do the impossible - possible. Now you can not imagine what could be here so take and start something from scratch. We buy Western equipment, working on their technology, attract foreign specialists.
And then they did everything themselves, invented by the victims of his bike, not to depend on a neighbor who for whatever whim may not want to provide us with more wheels and gears. Today we can not even replace ventillyator in the server, because it requires partnerships and internships for repairs. Today, we are completely dependent on foreign technology.
A great land of the dead, as well as its antenna.
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I was born and raised in aviation, the territory of which 70% are aviation enterprises varying degrees of privacy. By virtue of age, my childhood and youth held during the full decline, the apogee of which were, as they are now called playfully, "dashing nineties". One of the strongest impressions of that time - dump aircraft. In my childish mind does not fit the idea that here these incredibly beautiful and big cars, will never see the earth from above. I frantically climbed on the remains of the fuselage, wings, risking to break its neck, so "dead", abandoned machinery and the general mood of the local "Fallout" lodged almost in the subconscious.

At older ages, already in college, I had access to almost all the secret city enterprises. Walking through the dead corps, seeing the former and the current scope of desolation - the memories and feelings that I experienced as a child, only reinforce and complement the new images. Incredibly painful looks empty dusty room with standing in disarray Kuhlmann, scraps of unfinished drawings, rays of light, weak to break through the dirty glass and dust flying in the air. Posters on the walls tells how to rescue a comrade in case of bombing or chemical hazards, yellowed photos of leaders on the wall newspaper in '89, and from the sounds heard only the echo of his own footsteps. The country in which several generations defended, for which invented and sacrificed, no more.

Most recently, I had to experience echoes of these emotions again. By the will of the service I again postings in Kazakhstan. I was fortunate to work with a wonderful man Vladimir Salyninym. He is head of the DSO "Orbit", which stands for Center for Space Communications. At the station he works for several decades, and saw, in general, all the metamorphoses and progress kosmosvyazi.
In '68 All-Union launched the project "Orbit", which 70 was completed. Its goal was to spread the TV, now it is easy to imagine, but then "TV" is a 1 channel, the entire territory of the Union. The number of such stations in the tens, if not hundreds. The area was completely new, the whole experience had to purchase from scratch. First satellites were not even geostationary, which meant that the antenna around the clock watching satellites flying by Lightning - 1, 2, 3 and so on.

The system worked as follows, a signal transmitted from Moscow studios in the center of the transmission space, located in Dubna and Bear Lake. There with the help of extremely powerful transmitters to broadcast the signal in space, where he was received by satellites. The radiation power was such that birds exposed to the radiation pattern of the antenna - burned, for 10 kilowatts is not a joke. Then the satellite analog transmission covers the entire country. Where it took just such station is already transmitting to the local television station, which in turn broadcast signal for brownies antennas. All the equipment is not difficult to guess it was a tube, and no computers, so that the service was quite interesting antenna problem.

In '75 satellites finally transferred to the geostationary and the antenna no longer prowl, tightly his eyes staring at the sky. Also in this period, there was a complete renewal of equipment and the station have been put amplifiers are cooled with liquid nitrogen! Operating temperature have been in the region of -170 degrees. Then, in addition to one channel using the system became common radio signal "beacon". As such, all lasted up to 96 years. Then all the equipment was dismantled and replaced by a foreign transferor telephony signals, and an ambitious project was finally closed.
Looking at all of these glands, I feel about the same feelings as the archaeologist, looking at the pyramids in Egypt. Builders and inventors of all this, seem to me by some demigods, to do the impossible - possible. Now you can not imagine what could be here so take and start something from scratch. We buy Western equipment, working on their technology, attract foreign specialists.

And then they did everything themselves, invented by the victims of his bike, not to depend on a neighbor who for whatever whim may not want to provide us with more wheels and gears. Today we can not even replace ventillyator in the server, because it requires partnerships and internships for repairs. Today, we are completely dependent on foreign technology.
A great land of the dead, as well as its antenna.
