Moscow 1956
In September 1956, arrived in Moscow Jacques Dupaquier - French scholar, historian and demographer, a member of the French Academy of moral and political sciences, and at the same time a Marxist and a member of the French Communist Party. "Such freedom in 1956, the USSR was not even in the times of Gorbachev" - recalled in an interview with Jacques Dyupake - "For our delegation, there was no police control, I broke away from the group and spend hours wandering the streets alone. I knew a little Russian and was able to ask for directions. We were in the Soviet Union in interesting times, Soviet society is experiencing a moral catastrophe after Khrushchev's speech at the Twentieth Congress. No one knows what is and what is not, I did everything I wanted, it was especially exciting. I filmed drunk, wallowing in the central streets of Moscow, and the police, contrary to my expectations, did not try to stop or take the camera ».
The question that most surprised him in the Soviet capital, Dyupake replied: "I was amazed that in 1956 Moscow more than half was a wooden city, and beyond the main streets of poverty reigned».
The question that most surprised him in the Soviet capital, Dyupake replied: "I was amazed that in 1956 Moscow more than half was a wooden city, and beyond the main streets of poverty reigned».