Shallow spot
There are people with whom it is better not to get involved - even a tiny offense they are able to answer the most sophisticated revenge. These can ...
1. Place a photo-report about your love affairs on billboards across the country
For the time being the life of the actress Yavohni Wilkins seemed a fairy tale of Cinderella. For eight years she was in the status of his beloved business tycoon, president of Oracle Corporation and advisor to President Charles Phillips.
It was true in this romantic story is one problem - Phillips had a legal spouse. It is not known whether there was informed of its existence Yavohni, but the fact remains - all these eight years, she met a married man.
The first bell for Phillips was supposed to be an article that Yavohni wrote for a magazine in 2004. The article was addressed to men, and it called for "to realize what terrible consequences may await someone who suddenly decided to part with the woman he loved."
"In order to protect the men from the disaster - she went on - should get them to pass a special course that all these" till death do us part "in most cases - just an illusion, and a figure of speech."
Six years after the publication, when Phillips dropped it and reconciled with his wife, he decided Yavohni demonstrate that meant. She hired an advertising firm, which requested to erect huge billboards in New York, Atlanta and San Francisco, with joint photos - and your Phillips. Type in the word happy lovers who once Yavohni once heard from the lips of her lover: "You are to me - a soul mate forever!»
Cherry on this cake was a link to a site where Yavohni published photographs document the entire history of her eight-year relationship with Phillips. In all of this "terrible mstyu" it spent no less than 250 thousand dollars.
Phillips with lawful wife after reconciliation
Although a few days later the shields were removed, and the site became unavailable, Phillips had to acknowledge the years of adultery and experience very unpleasant moments.
2. Bring to bear your territory
Lord Byron is the most eminent English poet of all time. Despite the lameness and pain, he had a reputation for extravagant man, manly, foreign to every convention, eccentric, brilliant, etc.
Moreover, Byron was very fond of animals. When he went to Cambridge, then I tried to bring and beloved dog, new university about dogs existed a strict ban specifically prescribed in the statute. Byron pleaded indulge in all his eloquence - all to no purpose. Having determined and final rejection Byron decided to restore justice in other ways. He bought somewhere bear and dragged him to Cambridge.
A few minutes later the university administration heard a wild scream, then struck a crowd of students rushing with bulging eyes and shouting "Bear! Bear! »
When Byron became accountable for this strange trick he deadpan tone asked to see the rule according to which the territory is forbidden Cambridge lead the bear. No such rules in the statute was not found and the leadership had to accept the legality of the bear in the university. Perhaps afraid that the next day Byron will be a tiger.
So he lived with his tame bear all his student years. And then in addition, he tried to defend the right of "well-intentioned and honest bear to be educated in the best college free England." But with the formation at the clumsy went wrong, and soon the bear Byron left the walls of Cambridge to the great joy of administration
3. insult you with the help of the Royal Military Band
By tradition, every time visiting England some distinguished guest for him to play the royal orchestra. But the traditions of England are very, very sensitive. On the other hand, there are cases when an important guest is so unsympathetic that the orchestra played for him does not want.
Just such a situation occurred when England came to Saudi King Abdullah. Some particularly sensitive musicians of the orchestra thought that man, who is in the list of the most brutal dictators of our time in fourth place (referring to a list of 2008 published in the appendix to The Washington Post) does not deserve a meeting with the music. At the same refuse to play - a break with tradition, which for hundreds of years. How to be?
Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud
Finally, respect for the old traditions prevailed and Orchestra agreed to play for Abdullah, but opted for this formulation, could not be better reflects the attitude of musicians to his guest: "The Imperial March" (Darth Vader's theme from "Star Wars").
Of course, the king did not know what was going on, but knew everyone else around. Imagine meeting an official guest of the orchestra tune associated with one of the most despicable characters in movie history. Under this melody (plus cries of protest) appears gentleman decorously procession surrounded by bodyguards.
King Abdullah spoke to the queen and soon left, never noticing that insults, which struck him publicly Band of Her Majesty.
4. Arrange your travel ban on the country
Divorce is rarely painless. You have to deal with a bunch of papers, lawyers and courts spend a lot of nerves and pay a lot of money.
Who of divorcing would not want to avoid all these problems? One immigration officer from Britain found the perfect solution. While his legal wife was visiting her parents in Pakistan, he entered into the database immigration and included it in the name of so-called "Watchlist for terrorists."
The wife of the officer was surprised when trying to return to Britain with his perfectly legitimate passport, found that the entry for it is closed and it is nothing left to do but to return to Pakistan. She was perplexed, because in any Kriminale had never been involved - not that of terrorism.
Naturally, she immediately rushed to call her husband. As for the work he has been associated with immigration matters, reasonably judged the woman, he quickly sort out this misunderstanding. Poohat husband and promised to find out what can be done. This process is apparently intended to tighten a lifetime.
Three years later this same official had to get a promotion. Applicant's supposed to thoroughly check for trustworthiness. This is where the story of the wife-terrorist and surfaced. The immigration service people with the family, of course, is not welcome.
The official faced a difficult choice: to deny that he knew about his wife's alleged links with terrorists and losing their jobs, or to admit that it has made the list himself, and ... still losing their jobs.
He told the truth and was immediately fired.
5. Let the Internet rumor that you pervert
In 2005, the producer of the series «CSI» Sarah Goldfinger decided to buy a house and even found a suitable alternative. Prepared bargain real estate agents - a married couple, Melinda and Scott Tamkin, appears the interests of the seller.
And just before signing the contract hired to test the home experts have drawn the conclusion that the building is literally falling apart and needs repair. Goldfinger terribly angry that she almost divorced, and, of course, the deal was canceled.
Five years have passed. One evening the wife Tamkin conducted a cozy evening in front of TV - watched the series «CSI». Two characters of the series attracted their attention: a couple of unclean hands is not real estate agents named Scott and Melinda Tucker with unusual sexual preferences.
Name Producer of the series - Sarah Goldfinger, too, it seemed familiar. Remembering the story of the sale of rotten home, Scott decided to revise the series again on the Internet. Then he waited another discovery - in the description on the website devoted to the series, called perverts agents Melinda and Scott Tamkin, not Tucker, as presented in the TV. Descriptions were such:
"Scott Tamkin: 30 years old, handsome, slippery and heavy drinker type. Amateur sado / BDSM pornography, since the college was a mortgage broker. Is suspected of murdering his wife Melinda. »
"Melinda Tamkin: in 30 years, Scott's wife ... her death may have occurred during excessively risky sexual games, at the time when it was fastened to the bed with handcuffs."
Scott then dug a little more on the Internet and found a few sites that sexual relationships and Melinda Scott Tamkin described as "alternative". And though it in fact was a fictional character, the couple flew into a rage. Most of their customers come from the Internet, and they do not want to be associated with perverts and murderers.
Tamkin tried to apply for Goldfinger in court, but she rejected the charges, saying that use real names only while writing the script, and that fragments of the script accidentally leaked to the Internet before the names have been changed - so it's not her fault. The Court considered the claims of Realtors unfounded, since it is not found between the fictional and the real Tamkin direct link.
6. Turn your home into a graveyard
The chief quartermaster service of the American Continental Army Montgomery Meigs thought of all the officers that during the Civil War were fired from the US Army and joined the Confederate army personal enemies.
Montgomery Meigs
One of these officers was Colonel Robert E. Lee, who, after 35 years of distinguished service in the Federal Army resigned in order to fight on the side of the South and eventually rose to the rank of commander of the whole army of the Confederacy.
During the transition from one to another army, Lee and his wife lived mansion called "Arlington House", located in the state of Virginia, on the estate area of about 1100 acres. In any case, Lee ordered his wife to leave, and soon the government to tidy up his estate to the hands.
In 1864, there was a question about the lack of cemeteries for the dying in combat soldiers and officers. And then Quartermaster Meigs made a proposal that can simultaneously solve the problem of cemeteries and take revenge on the traitor and apostate. He suggested a new cemetery in Arlington estate and received approval.
Almost never afterwards in place of flower beds with roses, lovingly planted Mrs. Lee, the first 26 graves. By the end of the civil war on the territory of the family nest it rested Lee has 5000 soldiers. All to master too wanted to go home. And he never really showed the desire to return the estate itself.
And only in 1870 the son of Robert E. Lee - George sued the estate itself. And then he sold it to the government for $ 150 thousand (or 3, $ 5 million in terms of today's money).
After that, "Arlington House" was restored and declared a historical monument.
1. Place a photo-report about your love affairs on billboards across the country

For the time being the life of the actress Yavohni Wilkins seemed a fairy tale of Cinderella. For eight years she was in the status of his beloved business tycoon, president of Oracle Corporation and advisor to President Charles Phillips.

It was true in this romantic story is one problem - Phillips had a legal spouse. It is not known whether there was informed of its existence Yavohni, but the fact remains - all these eight years, she met a married man.

The first bell for Phillips was supposed to be an article that Yavohni wrote for a magazine in 2004. The article was addressed to men, and it called for "to realize what terrible consequences may await someone who suddenly decided to part with the woman he loved."
"In order to protect the men from the disaster - she went on - should get them to pass a special course that all these" till death do us part "in most cases - just an illusion, and a figure of speech."
Six years after the publication, when Phillips dropped it and reconciled with his wife, he decided Yavohni demonstrate that meant. She hired an advertising firm, which requested to erect huge billboards in New York, Atlanta and San Francisco, with joint photos - and your Phillips. Type in the word happy lovers who once Yavohni once heard from the lips of her lover: "You are to me - a soul mate forever!»

Cherry on this cake was a link to a site where Yavohni published photographs document the entire history of her eight-year relationship with Phillips. In all of this "terrible mstyu" it spent no less than 250 thousand dollars.

Phillips with lawful wife after reconciliation
Although a few days later the shields were removed, and the site became unavailable, Phillips had to acknowledge the years of adultery and experience very unpleasant moments.
2. Bring to bear your territory

Lord Byron is the most eminent English poet of all time. Despite the lameness and pain, he had a reputation for extravagant man, manly, foreign to every convention, eccentric, brilliant, etc.

Moreover, Byron was very fond of animals. When he went to Cambridge, then I tried to bring and beloved dog, new university about dogs existed a strict ban specifically prescribed in the statute. Byron pleaded indulge in all his eloquence - all to no purpose. Having determined and final rejection Byron decided to restore justice in other ways. He bought somewhere bear and dragged him to Cambridge.
A few minutes later the university administration heard a wild scream, then struck a crowd of students rushing with bulging eyes and shouting "Bear! Bear! »
When Byron became accountable for this strange trick he deadpan tone asked to see the rule according to which the territory is forbidden Cambridge lead the bear. No such rules in the statute was not found and the leadership had to accept the legality of the bear in the university. Perhaps afraid that the next day Byron will be a tiger.
So he lived with his tame bear all his student years. And then in addition, he tried to defend the right of "well-intentioned and honest bear to be educated in the best college free England." But with the formation at the clumsy went wrong, and soon the bear Byron left the walls of Cambridge to the great joy of administration
3. insult you with the help of the Royal Military Band

By tradition, every time visiting England some distinguished guest for him to play the royal orchestra. But the traditions of England are very, very sensitive. On the other hand, there are cases when an important guest is so unsympathetic that the orchestra played for him does not want.
Just such a situation occurred when England came to Saudi King Abdullah. Some particularly sensitive musicians of the orchestra thought that man, who is in the list of the most brutal dictators of our time in fourth place (referring to a list of 2008 published in the appendix to The Washington Post) does not deserve a meeting with the music. At the same refuse to play - a break with tradition, which for hundreds of years. How to be?

Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud
Finally, respect for the old traditions prevailed and Orchestra agreed to play for Abdullah, but opted for this formulation, could not be better reflects the attitude of musicians to his guest: "The Imperial March" (Darth Vader's theme from "Star Wars").
Of course, the king did not know what was going on, but knew everyone else around. Imagine meeting an official guest of the orchestra tune associated with one of the most despicable characters in movie history. Under this melody (plus cries of protest) appears gentleman decorously procession surrounded by bodyguards.
King Abdullah spoke to the queen and soon left, never noticing that insults, which struck him publicly Band of Her Majesty.
4. Arrange your travel ban on the country

Divorce is rarely painless. You have to deal with a bunch of papers, lawyers and courts spend a lot of nerves and pay a lot of money.
Who of divorcing would not want to avoid all these problems? One immigration officer from Britain found the perfect solution. While his legal wife was visiting her parents in Pakistan, he entered into the database immigration and included it in the name of so-called "Watchlist for terrorists."
The wife of the officer was surprised when trying to return to Britain with his perfectly legitimate passport, found that the entry for it is closed and it is nothing left to do but to return to Pakistan. She was perplexed, because in any Kriminale had never been involved - not that of terrorism.
Naturally, she immediately rushed to call her husband. As for the work he has been associated with immigration matters, reasonably judged the woman, he quickly sort out this misunderstanding. Poohat husband and promised to find out what can be done. This process is apparently intended to tighten a lifetime.
Three years later this same official had to get a promotion. Applicant's supposed to thoroughly check for trustworthiness. This is where the story of the wife-terrorist and surfaced. The immigration service people with the family, of course, is not welcome.
The official faced a difficult choice: to deny that he knew about his wife's alleged links with terrorists and losing their jobs, or to admit that it has made the list himself, and ... still losing their jobs.
He told the truth and was immediately fired.
5. Let the Internet rumor that you pervert

In 2005, the producer of the series «CSI» Sarah Goldfinger decided to buy a house and even found a suitable alternative. Prepared bargain real estate agents - a married couple, Melinda and Scott Tamkin, appears the interests of the seller.
And just before signing the contract hired to test the home experts have drawn the conclusion that the building is literally falling apart and needs repair. Goldfinger terribly angry that she almost divorced, and, of course, the deal was canceled.
Five years have passed. One evening the wife Tamkin conducted a cozy evening in front of TV - watched the series «CSI». Two characters of the series attracted their attention: a couple of unclean hands is not real estate agents named Scott and Melinda Tucker with unusual sexual preferences.
Name Producer of the series - Sarah Goldfinger, too, it seemed familiar. Remembering the story of the sale of rotten home, Scott decided to revise the series again on the Internet. Then he waited another discovery - in the description on the website devoted to the series, called perverts agents Melinda and Scott Tamkin, not Tucker, as presented in the TV. Descriptions were such:
"Scott Tamkin: 30 years old, handsome, slippery and heavy drinker type. Amateur sado / BDSM pornography, since the college was a mortgage broker. Is suspected of murdering his wife Melinda. »
"Melinda Tamkin: in 30 years, Scott's wife ... her death may have occurred during excessively risky sexual games, at the time when it was fastened to the bed with handcuffs."
Scott then dug a little more on the Internet and found a few sites that sexual relationships and Melinda Scott Tamkin described as "alternative". And though it in fact was a fictional character, the couple flew into a rage. Most of their customers come from the Internet, and they do not want to be associated with perverts and murderers.
Tamkin tried to apply for Goldfinger in court, but she rejected the charges, saying that use real names only while writing the script, and that fragments of the script accidentally leaked to the Internet before the names have been changed - so it's not her fault. The Court considered the claims of Realtors unfounded, since it is not found between the fictional and the real Tamkin direct link.
6. Turn your home into a graveyard

The chief quartermaster service of the American Continental Army Montgomery Meigs thought of all the officers that during the Civil War were fired from the US Army and joined the Confederate army personal enemies.

Montgomery Meigs
One of these officers was Colonel Robert E. Lee, who, after 35 years of distinguished service in the Federal Army resigned in order to fight on the side of the South and eventually rose to the rank of commander of the whole army of the Confederacy.
During the transition from one to another army, Lee and his wife lived mansion called "Arlington House", located in the state of Virginia, on the estate area of about 1100 acres. In any case, Lee ordered his wife to leave, and soon the government to tidy up his estate to the hands.
In 1864, there was a question about the lack of cemeteries for the dying in combat soldiers and officers. And then Quartermaster Meigs made a proposal that can simultaneously solve the problem of cemeteries and take revenge on the traitor and apostate. He suggested a new cemetery in Arlington estate and received approval.
Almost never afterwards in place of flower beds with roses, lovingly planted Mrs. Lee, the first 26 graves. By the end of the civil war on the territory of the family nest it rested Lee has 5000 soldiers. All to master too wanted to go home. And he never really showed the desire to return the estate itself.
And only in 1870 the son of Robert E. Lee - George sued the estate itself. And then he sold it to the government for $ 150 thousand (or 3, $ 5 million in terms of today's money).
After that, "Arlington House" was restored and declared a historical monument.