Martial arts
Ten rare and little-known styles of martial arts
1. Bokator
This Cambodian martial art that originated in the army of Angkor, who won in Indochina more than 1,700 years ago.
The word "bokator" means "spouting lion." According to ancient legend, one student who has studied the style, found himself face to face with a lion. Young soldier killed bloodthirsty beast one single, incredible precision strike with the knee. Like many other Asian martial arts, technology bokatora based on imitating the movements of different animals. What distinguishes it of other species, so it is cruel and training process. More than ten thousand different techniques and strokes bokator do one of the hardest martial arts.
2. Fight without rules
In truth, it should be called "cripple and kill", as this name is more appropriate to describe the ultimate goal of the match. "Technology" battle arose between the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries in the United States. By the way, one of the most effective techniques considered squeezing the eyes.
Soldiers fought so violently that only the most desperate brave dare to challenge them. According to rumors, some even sharpened their teeth to razor sharpness, in the battle to bite the ears, fingers, noses and lips. And since no prohibitions on genital trauma was not, many literally lost his "dignity».
I hardly need to explain why this fight without rules is not so popular in our "civilized" world, as before.
3. Buck
He was born in the poor slums of Lima (Peru), and a ruthless martial art that not only teaches quickly disable or kill the enemy, but also to use deceptive tactics (such as concealed weapons).
It was founded in 1980 by a former Marine and criminal Bezada Roberto Puig. Buck is officially classified as a modern mixed martial arts, including the various elements of jujitsu with Vale Tudo. In it there are such methods as the wrist wringing, strangling and accurate strikes to vital organs. All this takes place at a furious pace that the enemy did not have time to understand what's going on.
4. Ledra
This is a modern martial art that dates back to Muay Thai practiced fighters of Thai Royal Army commando. His technique is based on the same principles. However, there are a few differences.
Fighters are taught to attack without warning, as soon as possible put the opponent on the ground and to finish one of the fatal blows (foot in the throat or elbow in the head). At the same time to reduce the risk of injury to strike hard body parts are used (knees, elbows, shins, hands). Like many other military martial arts Ledra was designed to destroy the enemy.
5. Dambe
Mortally dangerous martial art Hausa tribe (West Africa) is based on the technique of boxing ancient Egypt. The main weapon is dambe fist around it over the cloth wrapped tvёrdospletennaya rope and leg wrapped thick chain. Probably, for the butchers of West Africa it is not enough just to beat people. An interesting observation: many modern fighters dambe smoking marijuana before the fight.
6. System
The main feature is the impact on vulnerable parts of the body, elbows, neck, knees, ankles and abdomen. Technique of combat based on the laws of biomechanics and most of the time is given to how to properly use the weaknesses of the opponent. It includes not only the classic unarmed fight one on one, but other types of contact. For example, soldiers are trained with a few sparring partners that attack different types of weapons.
7. Jailhouse Rock
Being created in the cutthroat world of US prison, this kind of martial art was developed by people who can not do anything else but to work or fight. It is distinguished by the brutal methods of training, and "pick up a pack" - one of them. Maps are scattered on the floor and a fighter must collect them until two or three others are trying to beat.
8. Kalari Pyatt
Most consider it the oldest combat system, created in the southern region of India - Kerala, and a precursor to some modern martial arts.
According to oral legend Kalari Pyatt was based incarnation of the Hindu god Vishnu (the guardian of the universe), whose existence was beyond the understanding of man.
There are many styles, specializing both melee and on the weapon. One of the most famous is the Marma Artie (impact on vital points), owning that can be easily paralyze or kill the enemy. Therefore, in addition master Kalari Pyatt also taught Siddha medicine.
9. Silat
This form of martial arts originated in the ruthless tribal headhunters Malaysia, Singapore and the Philippines. Silat includes many different styles. The earliest evidence of its existence have been found on the island of Sumatra, where, according to legend, one woman developed a combat system, observing the behavior of animals.
Nowadays Silat practiced several military units throughout the Malay Archipelago and the county, as well as the notorious pirate clans in the South China Sea.
10. Okichito
He is one of the few remaining Indian martial arts. It was founded by George Lepine, who studied Judo, Taekwondo, Hapkido, as well as an excellent knowledge of fighting with a club and tomahawk.
Okichito - a mixture of rage Indian spirit with the time-tested Asian martial arts. As in aikido, even if unarmed fighter, strikes are thus as if he had one. For example, repeated hand movements tomahawk and legs- spear. In addition, special attention is paid to knives. After all, what is the martial art of indigenous Indians, if it does not teach how to scalp a white man?
1. Bokator

This Cambodian martial art that originated in the army of Angkor, who won in Indochina more than 1,700 years ago.
The word "bokator" means "spouting lion." According to ancient legend, one student who has studied the style, found himself face to face with a lion. Young soldier killed bloodthirsty beast one single, incredible precision strike with the knee. Like many other Asian martial arts, technology bokatora based on imitating the movements of different animals. What distinguishes it of other species, so it is cruel and training process. More than ten thousand different techniques and strokes bokator do one of the hardest martial arts.
2. Fight without rules

In truth, it should be called "cripple and kill", as this name is more appropriate to describe the ultimate goal of the match. "Technology" battle arose between the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries in the United States. By the way, one of the most effective techniques considered squeezing the eyes.
Soldiers fought so violently that only the most desperate brave dare to challenge them. According to rumors, some even sharpened their teeth to razor sharpness, in the battle to bite the ears, fingers, noses and lips. And since no prohibitions on genital trauma was not, many literally lost his "dignity».
I hardly need to explain why this fight without rules is not so popular in our "civilized" world, as before.
3. Buck

He was born in the poor slums of Lima (Peru), and a ruthless martial art that not only teaches quickly disable or kill the enemy, but also to use deceptive tactics (such as concealed weapons).
It was founded in 1980 by a former Marine and criminal Bezada Roberto Puig. Buck is officially classified as a modern mixed martial arts, including the various elements of jujitsu with Vale Tudo. In it there are such methods as the wrist wringing, strangling and accurate strikes to vital organs. All this takes place at a furious pace that the enemy did not have time to understand what's going on.
4. Ledra

This is a modern martial art that dates back to Muay Thai practiced fighters of Thai Royal Army commando. His technique is based on the same principles. However, there are a few differences.
Fighters are taught to attack without warning, as soon as possible put the opponent on the ground and to finish one of the fatal blows (foot in the throat or elbow in the head). At the same time to reduce the risk of injury to strike hard body parts are used (knees, elbows, shins, hands). Like many other military martial arts Ledra was designed to destroy the enemy.
5. Dambe

Mortally dangerous martial art Hausa tribe (West Africa) is based on the technique of boxing ancient Egypt. The main weapon is dambe fist around it over the cloth wrapped tvёrdospletennaya rope and leg wrapped thick chain. Probably, for the butchers of West Africa it is not enough just to beat people. An interesting observation: many modern fighters dambe smoking marijuana before the fight.
6. System

The main feature is the impact on vulnerable parts of the body, elbows, neck, knees, ankles and abdomen. Technique of combat based on the laws of biomechanics and most of the time is given to how to properly use the weaknesses of the opponent. It includes not only the classic unarmed fight one on one, but other types of contact. For example, soldiers are trained with a few sparring partners that attack different types of weapons.
7. Jailhouse Rock

Being created in the cutthroat world of US prison, this kind of martial art was developed by people who can not do anything else but to work or fight. It is distinguished by the brutal methods of training, and "pick up a pack" - one of them. Maps are scattered on the floor and a fighter must collect them until two or three others are trying to beat.
8. Kalari Pyatt

Most consider it the oldest combat system, created in the southern region of India - Kerala, and a precursor to some modern martial arts.
According to oral legend Kalari Pyatt was based incarnation of the Hindu god Vishnu (the guardian of the universe), whose existence was beyond the understanding of man.
There are many styles, specializing both melee and on the weapon. One of the most famous is the Marma Artie (impact on vital points), owning that can be easily paralyze or kill the enemy. Therefore, in addition master Kalari Pyatt also taught Siddha medicine.
9. Silat

This form of martial arts originated in the ruthless tribal headhunters Malaysia, Singapore and the Philippines. Silat includes many different styles. The earliest evidence of its existence have been found on the island of Sumatra, where, according to legend, one woman developed a combat system, observing the behavior of animals.
Nowadays Silat practiced several military units throughout the Malay Archipelago and the county, as well as the notorious pirate clans in the South China Sea.
10. Okichito

He is one of the few remaining Indian martial arts. It was founded by George Lepine, who studied Judo, Taekwondo, Hapkido, as well as an excellent knowledge of fighting with a club and tomahawk.
Okichito - a mixture of rage Indian spirit with the time-tested Asian martial arts. As in aikido, even if unarmed fighter, strikes are thus as if he had one. For example, repeated hand movements tomahawk and legs- spear. In addition, special attention is paid to knives. After all, what is the martial art of indigenous Indians, if it does not teach how to scalp a white man?