
IMHO - Most ironic is the permutation of letters in the name of the president of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam - Ho Chi Minh (Ho Chi Minh). Other meanings: Institute of Management KhantyMansiysk County (business services.); izbey ment praise poison (crimini.); and I would like bald (literat.); Ivan changed the character of Olga (Folk.).

Lytdybr - contrary written word "Rbydtyl." Reduction of the phrase "the worker-peasant trash sit in the rear, when the intelligentsia shed blood on the front." Less commonly used to mean "bast-hard-rack-Robot" (obsolete.).

LOL - inverted "to pop" the name of Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890), as well as the inverted "to" the same "pop" 707. The figure is used as the definition of "707 Gogh", which means the impossibility of simultaneous coexistence of a large number of mediocre artists.

- Internet, "Internet", the Internet, Internet, «InterNet», Inter-Net Inter-or not - it's a unique environment. Today is Tuesday, so - tomorrow.

Virus - pop group, will cease to exist after soloist "virus" Lucky (Olga Kozina) died from the flu because of the fact that it was mistaken for a prostitute.

Spam - colloquial expression (obsolete.) The modified form of the "sleep", "sleeping". For example: - Where were you? - Spam. Less often used as an abbreviation: The station board (SP) subscriber module (AM).

Dotcom - a play on words "dot", "House" and "cat". The winners in this game there.

The user - he uzer. See. Browser.

Browser - user (uzer) in bra (Eng.), Or wall lamp (Scientific.).

Service - from the English. Weider. Negative hero of "Star Wars" from the future into the past.

Admin - an abbreviation of the name of the ship "Admiral Nikolai", sunk in a collision with a pillar of power in May 1998.

Moderator - an abbreviation of "Moscow dismantle radioactive reactors" (not soootv. Action.).

PC - a part of the alphabet ... ...
MAC - cops put the asset (crimini.).

Chat - the end of words such as "silent", "scream", "treat" and others.

XXX - the thirtieth century. Prior to his attack left nine millennia.

Masyanya - expanded form of the «MAC» (see. MAC): asset cops I did not put me (crimini.).

Server - multiple values: the middle part of the combat helicopter MH-53J / M Pave Low III of the US Army (the military.) Mid North, the so-called Middle North, preceded by the High (Scientific.); However, that Verser - known programmer Rocky Verser (Rocke Verser) of Loveland (Colorado), broke a 56-bit cipher DES («Death" - Eng.).

Web Hosting - the same as IMHOSTING (see. IMHO). The word was introduced into circulation Sting (Gordon Matthew Summer) during a tour in the Russian capital. "Oh, Sting!" - Greeted the enthusiastic fans of the singer. On the teen slang "Hosting" means "Hello, how are you, welcome to her."

Peering - (from the English. Pirin-G) gas used during the liberation of hostages in the Dubrovka theatrical center. In rare cases, used to refer to the boxing ring, reduced for 3, 14, in order to achieve a smaller effect.

Dial-up - English translation of the German team's imperative «Die Alles apgelhegen!», By which Nazi fanatics prevent sleep the prisoners of the concentration camps (hist.).

Forwarding - from the English. «For War Ding». Translated into Russian means "bell, signaling the beginning of the war" (the church.).

The script - written to the end of a sentence / phrase, means that the text shortened (TFR), as followed by repetition of thoughts (IPT - and similar to). (ling.).

Website - Terek-Sai, urban-type settlement in Ala-Buka District of Osh region of the Kirghiz SSR. Located on the southern slope of the Chatkal Range, 100 km northwest from the railway Station Namangan.


See also

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