Strange names
The longest name in the world is made up of the letters in 1478. To read it, it takes at least ten minutes. It is a series of fused together the names of historic sites, the names of famous diplomats, theologians, scientists, and God knows what. This name is no one can read ...
10th place: The famous painter Pablo Picasso is known to all. But not everyone knows the full range of his name and surname. Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno Crispiano Crispin de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz and Picasso. Just his name and the names of 93 characters. After Picasso - a Spaniard, and in Spain a magnificent set of names is not uncommon.
9th place: In Hawaii, one of the schools in the city of Honolulu received the youngest daughter of the owner of one of the local restaurants. Her full name consists of 102 letters. Here they are: Напу-Амо-Хала-Она-Она-Анека-Вехи-Вехи-Она-Хивеа-Нена-Вава-Кехо-Онка-Кахе-Хеа-Леке-Еа-Она-Ней-Нана-Ниа-Кеко-Оа-Ога-Ван-Ика-Ванао. It has not been able to make in the class register. In Russian it means: "Many beautiful flowers of the mountains and valleys of Hawaii beginning to fill in the length and width of its fragrance."
8th place: On the longest name in the world above. And he does not hold a candle to fit the name of Miss Ellen S. Georgiana Ser-Lecca, who was born in 1979 in Montana, USA. The first letter C - is the beginning of its name, which is "only" of 598 characters. Close call her Snououl or just Oli. But the scribes of the population, apparently, is even simpler: "Oh, God! Again it! »
7th place: Lorierik - "Lenin, the October Revolution, industrialization, electrification, radio and Communism" Uryurvkos - "Hurrah, the Jura in space!" Kukutsapol ("corn - the queen of fields") Lagshmivara ("Camp Schmidt in the Arctic").
6th place: I think after this girl named Princess Diana and the boy, christened Hamlet, was born in Kharkov in 1998, the year will seem just a little innocent prank their parents.
5th place: "Hello, two kilograms of rice," "Hello, Silver Dollar!" - Something like greet each other when they met two residents Kandhmal district in the Indian state of Orissa. This corner of India holds the championship in the most unusual names that invent parents for their children. Two kilograms of rice - the memory of the state has sent down a gift: it is a measure of rice issued under the decision of the authorities for each child born.
4th place: In one village Kandhmala a guy by the name I love potatoes.
3rd place: Psychologist John Trein prepared a book of the most absurd names suffered by some Americans. For example, in May the family of New Orleans chose names for their daughters: Mu, Wu Gu.
2nd place: A Jackson family from Chicago, has branded his five children, calling them: Meningitis, Laryngitis, appendicitis, peritonitis, Tonsillitis.
1st place: Some time ago, there lived a family in France, deprived of the most common surnames. Instead, she "wore" a set of numbers - 1792. A four sons in the family bore the names of months of the year. Thus, in the passport and other documents, it looked like this: January 1792, February 1792, March 1792 and April 1792. The last representative of this strange race, "Mr. March 1792", died in September 1904 year.
10th place: The famous painter Pablo Picasso is known to all. But not everyone knows the full range of his name and surname. Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno Crispiano Crispin de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz and Picasso. Just his name and the names of 93 characters. After Picasso - a Spaniard, and in Spain a magnificent set of names is not uncommon.
9th place: In Hawaii, one of the schools in the city of Honolulu received the youngest daughter of the owner of one of the local restaurants. Her full name consists of 102 letters. Here they are: Напу-Амо-Хала-Она-Она-Анека-Вехи-Вехи-Она-Хивеа-Нена-Вава-Кехо-Онка-Кахе-Хеа-Леке-Еа-Она-Ней-Нана-Ниа-Кеко-Оа-Ога-Ван-Ика-Ванао. It has not been able to make in the class register. In Russian it means: "Many beautiful flowers of the mountains and valleys of Hawaii beginning to fill in the length and width of its fragrance."
8th place: On the longest name in the world above. And he does not hold a candle to fit the name of Miss Ellen S. Georgiana Ser-Lecca, who was born in 1979 in Montana, USA. The first letter C - is the beginning of its name, which is "only" of 598 characters. Close call her Snououl or just Oli. But the scribes of the population, apparently, is even simpler: "Oh, God! Again it! »
7th place: Lorierik - "Lenin, the October Revolution, industrialization, electrification, radio and Communism" Uryurvkos - "Hurrah, the Jura in space!" Kukutsapol ("corn - the queen of fields") Lagshmivara ("Camp Schmidt in the Arctic").
6th place: I think after this girl named Princess Diana and the boy, christened Hamlet, was born in Kharkov in 1998, the year will seem just a little innocent prank their parents.
5th place: "Hello, two kilograms of rice," "Hello, Silver Dollar!" - Something like greet each other when they met two residents Kandhmal district in the Indian state of Orissa. This corner of India holds the championship in the most unusual names that invent parents for their children. Two kilograms of rice - the memory of the state has sent down a gift: it is a measure of rice issued under the decision of the authorities for each child born.
4th place: In one village Kandhmala a guy by the name I love potatoes.
3rd place: Psychologist John Trein prepared a book of the most absurd names suffered by some Americans. For example, in May the family of New Orleans chose names for their daughters: Mu, Wu Gu.
2nd place: A Jackson family from Chicago, has branded his five children, calling them: Meningitis, Laryngitis, appendicitis, peritonitis, Tonsillitis.
1st place: Some time ago, there lived a family in France, deprived of the most common surnames. Instead, she "wore" a set of numbers - 1792. A four sons in the family bore the names of months of the year. Thus, in the passport and other documents, it looked like this: January 1792, February 1792, March 1792 and April 1792. The last representative of this strange race, "Mr. March 1792", died in September 1904 year.