Non-standard use of plates

10th place: To determine water clarity of the lake Swiss priest Father Secchi at the end of the XIX century. a rope dipped in the water of Lake Geneva plate.
9th place: In the middle of the XIX century, hollow glass balls filled with feathers, saved lives during training in shooting a lot of blue. Then the balls were replaced skeet. However, they then had to save, and the American Dee Lyon patented installation for blowing large amounts of soap bubbles. Bubbles used instead of plateaus for training shooters.
8th place: Plate - advertising. Some time ago, at a poster of one of the German banks could be seen on 2/3 caught in the frame plate with a noticeable dark borders. On a plate lay chopsticks: it was in late 2001, before the introduction of the euro. Half circle border with chopsticks was euro sign.
7th place: Advocacy on the plates. On the plate in the 20-ies of the last century it was possible to read the inscription: "Land of the workers", "Damn bourgeoisie - Sgin capital", "Who is not with us - or against us", "Who does not work shall not eat."
6th place: In recent years, more and more Japanese restaurants introduced a new type of service. Next to each table conveyor runs with dishes and visitors enough to reach out and take the plate like it. And the employees and the customers themselves determine the cost of food for the color plates.
5th place: Cologne Cathedral, which was built about 600 years - the pearl of Gothic architecture. However, few people know that this beauty can hardly be held, if not the dish of beans annually for 400 years. It was a symbolic rent for the land on which the Cathedral was built.
4th place: Fire Alarms. In China, still use these devices. Sawdust and resin make a twig, which are placed in a small boat. Across the boat on a thread hang 2 copper ball. One end of the rod is lit. When the flame comes to the skin, it burns, and the ball falls into a boat standing metal plate.
3rd place: Students of Aristotle during classes held in his hand a copper bowl and on the table lay a copper plate. When the disciples fell asleep on the lessons of copper ball fell on the plate and they woke up.
2nd place: Jacques Cousteau used a plate and a pencil for makeup for conducting underwater recordings.
1st place: In 1972, the Canadian city of Toronto there was a curious case. One journalist sat down on the sidewalk, set a bowl of soup, threw pieces of paper in it with its own article, and then ate it all. Thus it fulfills the conditions of the promise. Poor fellow journalist has publicly promised to eat his own newspaper with the announcement of the match, if the Russian score at least 1 goal - and the match ended in a 7: 3.