Sokolniki Park
Sokolniki is not just the name of a large area in the north-east of the capital. For many Muscovites still Sokolniki - a place of rest at the weekend. The territory of the recreation park "Sokolniki" four times as much of London's Hyde parka.
toponym Sokolniki - Moscow old name. The mystery of its origin is related to one of the most interesting chapters in the history of Moscow, with Russian customs and traditions in the first place - with falconry.
According to historical sources, in the XIV century was established a special service for the delivery of birds of prey in the royal court, and teaching them to hunt. The prince's servants involved falconers with their birds and in most hunting. Anyway, at the beginning of the XV century in the royal falconry (Grand Duke) yard was already so popular that in various cities and towns of the Russian state (such as in Pereslavl-Zaleski) were created falconers settlement. Let's see what is still interested in this place.
Once in place the current Sokolniki housed forestry triozere Wolf ruin, where autumn 1359 between Luna Lake, Sadness, lake and lake-Listopad was found dead middle son of Ivan Kalita Grand Prince of Moscow Ivan II, nicknamed Ivan the people meekly or red, because he was a very handsome.
Ivan Krasnyy
Sometimes the prince left his affairs and secretly went into the woods triozerya where she lived beauty Svyatlitsa. Prince left his faithful servant Jeremiah in drunken hut not far from triozerya, and he went out on a date. Usually the meeting informed the girl Jeremiah, but sometimes the walls of the Kremlin came hunchback with manual fox and passed Yerem message from Svyatlitsy. In the autumn evening rushed in wolf ruin Ivan with Jeremiah and stopped at a drunken hut. Grand Duke jumped from his horse and went to barely noticeable path to the three lakes.
Quickly overcame wine Jeremiah. He fell asleep and dreamed of a hunchback with a fox. Neck of whole blood. Hunchback shook his finger Yerem and croaked: "Wake up! Lift up your head! "Woke Jeremiah, jumped out of the house, and before him the fox, whines for a summons. He ran after her, but suddenly stumbled in the dark. Looked carefully and under a bush hunchback with his throat cut. And I realized Jeremiah: Do not induce Svyatlitsa Prince Ivan! Not found on the body of Ivan no traces of blood or wounds. Boyars announced that he died of the pestilence. Seven years after the still mysterious death of Ivan Svyatlitsu seen in the woods Wolf's ruin. And then suddenly suddenly gone into the land of the three lakes. Since then, no one else saw Svyatlitsy. Went underground three lakes - it took the name Wolf ruin.
Another legend associated with this place, is still popular. This is the legend of the "key of Love" .If see love in Sokolniki, as unexpectedly hit from the ground silver spring, be it happy.
Hunted once Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich Naprudnom accompanied by his falconer Tryphon Patrikeeva. Whether by distraction, or even for some reason missed the king's favorite falcon. The king was angry and declared that if there is not a falcon in three days, the falconer will be executed.
Three days and three nights Trifon scoured the woods in search of Falconer loss, prayed for heavenly aid, Martyr Tryphon prayed as his patron, and he vowed to build a temple here. By the end of the third day of the falconer sat on the edge of the pond and fell asleep. In the dream, he was Martyr Tryphon on a white horse with a falcon in his hand and said that the missing falcon sits not far from here, on a pine tree toward the east. So it turned out ...
Moscow storytellers recall another legend associated with Ivan the Terrible and Sokolniki. One day the king went to the winter hunting, accidentally hit a pine branch, and his sable cap fell into the snow. Infuriated, the Terrible ordered to cut down pine and erected a hunting palace.
The Emperor loved his new possession and ordered a hunting palace of the underground passage to the Kremlin, where it connects with other secret labyrinths. Disguised as a simple peasant, king often waded on this course, and no one recognized, listened to what people said about him, and suddenly appeared in the Kremlin, causing confusion in the boyars. Now, the palace raspollagaetsya central fountain parka.
By the way the fountain is also related a story. In 1953 there was a great amnesty. And the crowd of prisoners, despite the fact that they were not allowed to appear in the big cities, risked and came to Sokolniki. They came to the fountain, washed, gaining water and left. It is believed that water has long helped Sokolniki thieves and robbers away from presledovaniya.
After frequent police raids prisoners pilgrimage to the fountain came to naught.
Since the end of the XVIII century Stromynka and its surroundings have become district hospitals and bogodelen. "Dollgauz" - the current Psychiatric Hospital of the Transfiguration - was built in 1805-1808 gg.
One of her patients was a fool and a predictor of Ivan Yakovlevich Koreysha in medical card which read: "The causes of the disease - violent occupation religious books. The disease is completely curable. " He lived here for forty-four years. Nevertheless, the advice of a holy fool accessed and ordinary citizens, and government officials, is in his mumbling answers to important questions.
The walls of the hospital crowds wanting to know the future, tickets for "sessions" Koreyshi given income up to 700 rubles a month and ensure the welfare of the institution. "If it were not for Ivan Yakovlevich, do not know how to make ends meet," - used to say, the head physician hospital.
The street is Zherbunova Sokolnichesky flour mill. Here July 22, 1881 was launched the first big steam roller mill. The founder of the mill was Anton Erlanger, who had plans of restructuring the entire milling business in Russia.
Therefore, the 7-storey building placed, except for the mill project office, school millers, the editors of "Miller". Anton Erlanger accomplished so much in his work, was a man of noble and generous. Many donated to charity. Therefore, and remained in the memory of posterity, many turn to him for help and now ... the family crypt Erlanger nearby, in Lefortovo, Vvedenskoye kladbische.
He always whitewashed new lime. Family tombs designed by famous architect Shekhtel Erlanger. Inside her great beauty mosaic work of Petrov-Vodkin. There is a belief among the people that if you write a wish on the crypt Vvedenskiy cemetery, it is immediately executed. Crypt all used up requests and prayers to the Lord. There are terrible: "Do not let my baby die!", There is not too pleasing to God: "Lord, help me to become a widow!" There are funny: "Dear Erlanger! Help me to remain at the institute. Regards, Igor ».
What is a mystery why Muscovites Sokolniki elected their favorite vacation spot, and experts in the field of psychic argue that the atmosphere of its beneficial effect even on people's lives? Maybe the whole thing in the three disappeared lakes and springs happy? Or maybe some action has ... Scythian gold? They say that under the blows of the enemies of the Scythians went to the Altai, part - in the Carpathians, while others settled there, where now there is Moscow, right in the area of Sokolniki. Then they buried their gold and ... Many have tried to find Scythian gold, especially in the XVIII century, when people possessed a passion for local history. Until now, modern treasure hunters do not give up hope to find it is certainly here in Sokolniki, the main relic of the Scythians - the golden wheel sudby.
Well, let him seek!

toponym Sokolniki - Moscow old name. The mystery of its origin is related to one of the most interesting chapters in the history of Moscow, with Russian customs and traditions in the first place - with falconry.
According to historical sources, in the XIV century was established a special service for the delivery of birds of prey in the royal court, and teaching them to hunt. The prince's servants involved falconers with their birds and in most hunting. Anyway, at the beginning of the XV century in the royal falconry (Grand Duke) yard was already so popular that in various cities and towns of the Russian state (such as in Pereslavl-Zaleski) were created falconers settlement. Let's see what is still interested in this place.

Once in place the current Sokolniki housed forestry triozere Wolf ruin, where autumn 1359 between Luna Lake, Sadness, lake and lake-Listopad was found dead middle son of Ivan Kalita Grand Prince of Moscow Ivan II, nicknamed Ivan the people meekly or red, because he was a very handsome.
Ivan Krasnyy

Sometimes the prince left his affairs and secretly went into the woods triozerya where she lived beauty Svyatlitsa. Prince left his faithful servant Jeremiah in drunken hut not far from triozerya, and he went out on a date. Usually the meeting informed the girl Jeremiah, but sometimes the walls of the Kremlin came hunchback with manual fox and passed Yerem message from Svyatlitsy. In the autumn evening rushed in wolf ruin Ivan with Jeremiah and stopped at a drunken hut. Grand Duke jumped from his horse and went to barely noticeable path to the three lakes.

Quickly overcame wine Jeremiah. He fell asleep and dreamed of a hunchback with a fox. Neck of whole blood. Hunchback shook his finger Yerem and croaked: "Wake up! Lift up your head! "Woke Jeremiah, jumped out of the house, and before him the fox, whines for a summons. He ran after her, but suddenly stumbled in the dark. Looked carefully and under a bush hunchback with his throat cut. And I realized Jeremiah: Do not induce Svyatlitsa Prince Ivan! Not found on the body of Ivan no traces of blood or wounds. Boyars announced that he died of the pestilence. Seven years after the still mysterious death of Ivan Svyatlitsu seen in the woods Wolf's ruin. And then suddenly suddenly gone into the land of the three lakes. Since then, no one else saw Svyatlitsy. Went underground three lakes - it took the name Wolf ruin.
Another legend associated with this place, is still popular. This is the legend of the "key of Love" .If see love in Sokolniki, as unexpectedly hit from the ground silver spring, be it happy.

Hunted once Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich Naprudnom accompanied by his falconer Tryphon Patrikeeva. Whether by distraction, or even for some reason missed the king's favorite falcon. The king was angry and declared that if there is not a falcon in three days, the falconer will be executed.

Three days and three nights Trifon scoured the woods in search of Falconer loss, prayed for heavenly aid, Martyr Tryphon prayed as his patron, and he vowed to build a temple here. By the end of the third day of the falconer sat on the edge of the pond and fell asleep. In the dream, he was Martyr Tryphon on a white horse with a falcon in his hand and said that the missing falcon sits not far from here, on a pine tree toward the east. So it turned out ...
Moscow storytellers recall another legend associated with Ivan the Terrible and Sokolniki. One day the king went to the winter hunting, accidentally hit a pine branch, and his sable cap fell into the snow. Infuriated, the Terrible ordered to cut down pine and erected a hunting palace.

The Emperor loved his new possession and ordered a hunting palace of the underground passage to the Kremlin, where it connects with other secret labyrinths. Disguised as a simple peasant, king often waded on this course, and no one recognized, listened to what people said about him, and suddenly appeared in the Kremlin, causing confusion in the boyars. Now, the palace raspollagaetsya central fountain parka.

By the way the fountain is also related a story. In 1953 there was a great amnesty. And the crowd of prisoners, despite the fact that they were not allowed to appear in the big cities, risked and came to Sokolniki. They came to the fountain, washed, gaining water and left. It is believed that water has long helped Sokolniki thieves and robbers away from presledovaniya.

After frequent police raids prisoners pilgrimage to the fountain came to naught.
Since the end of the XVIII century Stromynka and its surroundings have become district hospitals and bogodelen. "Dollgauz" - the current Psychiatric Hospital of the Transfiguration - was built in 1805-1808 gg.

One of her patients was a fool and a predictor of Ivan Yakovlevich Koreysha in medical card which read: "The causes of the disease - violent occupation religious books. The disease is completely curable. " He lived here for forty-four years. Nevertheless, the advice of a holy fool accessed and ordinary citizens, and government officials, is in his mumbling answers to important questions.

The walls of the hospital crowds wanting to know the future, tickets for "sessions" Koreyshi given income up to 700 rubles a month and ensure the welfare of the institution. "If it were not for Ivan Yakovlevich, do not know how to make ends meet," - used to say, the head physician hospital.
The street is Zherbunova Sokolnichesky flour mill. Here July 22, 1881 was launched the first big steam roller mill. The founder of the mill was Anton Erlanger, who had plans of restructuring the entire milling business in Russia.

Therefore, the 7-storey building placed, except for the mill project office, school millers, the editors of "Miller". Anton Erlanger accomplished so much in his work, was a man of noble and generous. Many donated to charity. Therefore, and remained in the memory of posterity, many turn to him for help and now ... the family crypt Erlanger nearby, in Lefortovo, Vvedenskoye kladbische.

He always whitewashed new lime. Family tombs designed by famous architect Shekhtel Erlanger. Inside her great beauty mosaic work of Petrov-Vodkin. There is a belief among the people that if you write a wish on the crypt Vvedenskiy cemetery, it is immediately executed. Crypt all used up requests and prayers to the Lord. There are terrible: "Do not let my baby die!", There is not too pleasing to God: "Lord, help me to become a widow!" There are funny: "Dear Erlanger! Help me to remain at the institute. Regards, Igor ».

What is a mystery why Muscovites Sokolniki elected their favorite vacation spot, and experts in the field of psychic argue that the atmosphere of its beneficial effect even on people's lives? Maybe the whole thing in the three disappeared lakes and springs happy? Or maybe some action has ... Scythian gold? They say that under the blows of the enemies of the Scythians went to the Altai, part - in the Carpathians, while others settled there, where now there is Moscow, right in the area of Sokolniki. Then they buried their gold and ... Many have tried to find Scythian gold, especially in the XVIII century, when people possessed a passion for local history. Until now, modern treasure hunters do not give up hope to find it is certainly here in Sokolniki, the main relic of the Scythians - the golden wheel sudby.

Well, let him seek!