Parts of avtmobilya Prince Charles turned in cuffs

Pistons from Aston Martin Prince Charles went on to create the original cufflinks. These automotive parts have become obsolete when the Prince decided to remake his car into something more environmentally friendly. Company TMB ArtMetal managed to make 200 of them gold-plated cuff links, resembling DB6 and recognizable hub wheel Aston Martin. The cost of each product will be 995 pounds. But this is not just a campaign izvelcheniyu came from royal recycled and charity event. Proceeds from the sale of cufflinks, will go into a fund to support youth The Prince's Trust. Head of Fund Milbёrn Martin says that the money will help more young Britons find a new job. "Young people hardest hit by the crisis - she says. - So now even more important to give them the skills and confidence they need for employment. "
Cruise from Disney for the kids
Emma Watson has created a collection of & laquo; ethical & raquo; clothing