Children billionaires.

number of children of billionaires in Russia for the year increased by half, and their combined wealth has doubled. This is the conclusion reached by experts of the magazine "Finance", amounting to an annual ranking of the heirs of Russia's richest men. Criteria for the ranking is somewhat arbitrary: the state of the parent divided equally between existing offspring. It is clear that when the kids grow up, things can change dramatically. The title of the richest Russian child the second consecutive year, Yusuf Alekperov, the son of the president of "Lukoil" Alekperov. Heir to an oil magnate - an only child, so he just "doomed to lead the list of the richest heirs." Condition of the father, according to "finance", is $ 10, 65 billion. Second place in the ranking of billionaires children also took the only child in the family - the son of one of the founders of the "Alfa Group" Alexei Kuzmicheva. Kuz'micheva successor state, name and age is not specified, for the year increased from $ 3 to $ 05, 7, 1 billion. Last year, the place from the 2nd to 6th inclusive, co-owner occupied children metallurgical Evraz Group Roman Abramovich. This year the situation has changed. Third place was shared by the heirs of the owner of "Rusal" Oleg Deripaska - Peter and Marina. In 2010, the state Deripaska magazine estimated at $ 13, 8 billion. A year earlier, the parent capital amounted to only $ 4, 9 billion., And children are at 13 and 14 seats.