Black and beloryzhaya advertising Louis Vuitton

Louis Vuitton loves for its advertising campaigns to collect disparate trio of models. If last season ladies differed not only facial features, but also were representatives of different generations, the campaign Spring / Summer 2011 this division by age is not observed. In the latest shooting, which produced a constant "svetopisets» LV Steven Meisel, Freja Beha Erickson ("tёmnenkaya"), Kristen MakMenemi ("fair-haired") and Raquel Zimmerman ("redhead") different hair color. The rest of the individual models is minimized, and to understand who is who, not so simple. Photos, as well as spring-summer collection of Marc Jacobs, inspired by Asian culture and the glamor of the 70s of the last century. Couturier introduced a new clothing line in October at the Paris Fashion Week. The new season of Louis Vuttion relevant bags of bright colors and no less colorful silk dresses.