Cessna hopes

Cessna Aircraft Company introduced a new light business jet Citation M2. He has to fill the void in the lineup between the Citation Mustang entry-level and exclusive family of Citation CJ. We can say, the golden mean. For the Cessna updated lineup was literally a matter of life and death. In the past two years much has handed over positions in the market of light jets. In 2008, they sold 466 aircraft Citation, the next is already 289 and in 2010 - only 178, and last year managed to sell about 138 cars cruise. Cessna M2 holds the high hopes that with his help, they again fall into the stream. Citation M2, the development of which was carried out over the past three years, has become a derivative of the CJ. It was designed as CJ +. A modified version of the aircraft has received an updated interior and avionics with the latest technology. The aircraft is designed to carry six passengers over distances up to 2, 4 thousand kilometers. Cruising speed is 741 km / h. Test flights Citation M2 will begin in the first half of 2012, and then followed by a long period of certification and only the beginning of 2013, the first customers will receive their cars. Price Citation M2 is set at $ 4 195 million. http://player.vimeo.com/video/31149193?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0&color=ff0179