8 reasons to stop watching TV

1. Television devours your time
First, the audience watched the transfer, when they had free time. Then come up with soap operas and the audience began to live when left free time away from the TV.
2. TV makes you dumber
Long-term excessive consumption of television inhibits our brains. The complete absence of brain activity, aimed at decision making and creativity, substituted only a passive consumption of information, transforms man into a plant.
3. Television makes you worse
Modern producers have learned well the idea that people are most attracted to sex, fear and greed and the full use of these baits.
4. Information overdose
We wrote recently about the benefits of an information diet. Television makes you not just a glutton information, it will cripple you. Remember how you were sitting in front of TV yesterday and watched the film, and then the show. Advertising. News.
5. Advertising
Tablets, pads, beer, pot, beer, soda, napkins, beer, tablets, car, coffee, soda, supermarket, pads, beer, Nokia, tablets ... and again in a circle. You are not tired?
6. Television makes you unhappy
Oh, these series! For housewives - soap for fashionistas - glamorous, intellectuals - Dr. House and explosion. You start with curiosity to follow someone else's life, then it carries you, then it becomes a particle of you.
7. Television makes you poorer
The lack of TV is not even the fact that the advertising makes us buy things we do not need. A much bigger problem is that you absolutely can not help on a subconscious level to penetrate the spirit of consumerism in a bad sense of the word.
8. Your life is more important than schedules are
Inveterate TV lovers have long been accustomed to the fact that their lives are dictated by the schedule of television programs.