Facebook was 10 years old

Exactly 10 years ago, Mark Zuckerberg created a social network Facebook, which quickly became popular enough. Facebook is now at its peak, in any case, the company's shares are sold at a maximum, since the IPO in 2012, the price.
Since the formation of social networks as one of the most popular resources in the world, it's not just once or twice "buried." Someone predicted his early death because of the small number of media services, someone - because of the transition of young people to the new-fangled social sphere, like Instagram. However, Facebook is still alive and well.
Followers of the social network now has one billion users, and social scientists have estimated that the number of "friendly relations" in the resource is about 125 billion. In general, everything connected with everyone.
At the moment everything is good with Facebook and its founder, Mark Zuckerberg is the youngest billionaire in the world. Now Mark - permanent leader Facebook, as well as the ideology of the social network.
How would any of us belonged to Facebook, yet this resource is worthy to be congratulated on the anniversary, so even a decade :)
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/211410/
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