In the United States for sale Al Capone's house

American gangster who became a legend during his lifetime, had a nice home in Florida. Now for the luxury villa financial company wants to gain at least 8, 5 million dollarov.

Managing firm-seller Anthony Panebianko six months ago bought a house gangster 7, 4 million. Now the financier hopes for a decent profit - 1, 1 million dollarov.

Villa gangster Al Capone was built 92 years ago. The famous criminal became its rightful owner in 1928, spending on the purchase of real estate 40 thousand dollars. During the "dry law" the famous crime bosses localized Miami, doing there smuggling alkogolya.

Villa Al Capone - a 930 square meters of luxury. Spanish-style house has 7 bedrooms and bathrooms, the interior is decorated with gold leaf. Externally the villa resembles a fortress, it is even a watchtower, where in the 30s was ohrana.

Al Capone died in 1947 in the same villa, after he returned from prison Alcatraz for allegedly evading taxes, but the true reason was more serious. After destroying his rivals of Al Capone got caught because the police have no evidence of the carnage, testified against him has not been found. At the time of his death gangster was only 48. Before the 70s property owned by relatives of Capone. They later sold her airline Delta Airlines pilot Henry Morrisonu.

Source: mirfactov.com/
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