Pagoda Kutodau (Kuthodaw)

Surely, when you read "the biggest book" in your head began to emerge image is a huge plexus some printed pages, or you're thinking about e-planchette. But in reality we are not talking about it ...
It is possible that you did not know that the greatest book on the planet has nothing to do with the print and electronic gadgets. And all because the largest book made of stone, so it consists of 729 pages or 1,458 pages.
As noted above, this is a miracle in Asia, to be precise, the Pagoda called Kuthodaw (Kutodau) that in Mandalay (Myanmar).

As for the book, each of its leaf is an awe-inspiring size marble slab, which both sides described, with each such "Page" is stored under its own canopy. If we talk about the size of these plates, each of them characterized by a height of 5 feet and a width of 3, 5 ft.

This pagoda was built as part of the collection of the royal city of Mandalay, as it was done in 1857, the year. King Mindon Min named was incredibly concerned that the south of the state is actively invading British, he was afraid that the Buddhist world, this could be the end. Thus, the king decided to leave something like "Royal Service", which would be able to stay even after 5,000 years after Gautama Buddha, who lived 500 years BC It is worth noting that he was a complete canon Pali Tipitaka of Theravada Buddhism, which is written in gold on huge plates.

Implementation of the royal idea was not an easy task. One only needed scribes 3 days and 3 nights, so that both sides write all the words, and then started to work masons, who ruled sixteen bands per day. Masons carved the words, and then the other craftsmen skillfully treated them with gold. To achieve these goals the list of works in accordance with the historical data was launched October 14, 1868, the year it was completed and 4 May 1869 the year.
It should be noted that when British troops invaded Yet, the bulk of religious sites has not been touched, and their original appearance, these relics have survived to our time. Contributed to this designation of Queen Victoria, the last was on the fact that the troops were withdrawn. But the deepest regret not all relics survived, so some were just way vandal destroyed, while others were destroyed because of the jewels ...
It is interesting, but the tradition of Burma at the time, suggested that if something needs repair or renovation, the ability to perform these jobs offered to relatives of people initially to make a donation or "Dan". Alas, the greatest book on the planet never will have that original splendor, which was inherent in it.

Pagoda Kutodau (Kuthodaw) is worth a visit just because of what it is the greatest book on the planet, but beyond that there is a miracle, what more to see, therefore, this place is and the list of the most beautiful and amazing. < br />

In the end I want to add that in Myanmar Another interesting place is the pagoda called "Dagon", the latter is an incredible architectural structure that is must see!