10 most expensive wedding of the 21st century
It's no secret that the tradition of wedding festivities gradually dies, and modern couple trying to find a more judicious use of money. However, in the mighty of this world, this trend does not apply to: for them, marriage is still a cause once again demonstrate its power. It always has been and probably will continue: for example, the wedding of Prince Charles and Diana Spencer in 1981 cost the state treasury nearly £ 3 million. But today the rate has increased significantly.
Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes
Cost: $ 2,000,000 Year: 2006 Media still relishes the details of divorce of Tom Cruise and Katie Homls. But recently the newspapers were filled with photographs of their wedding, which was held in Italy, in the Castle Odescalchi. Marriage was contracted in accordance with the canons of the Church of Scientology, which is adherent Cruz. But the couple having fun on the usual secular scenario: danced to pop hits, accepted congratulations from friends, enjoy Italian cuisine prepared by our chefs Dal Bolognese. Tender ballads on stage singing Andrea Bocelli, and toast is Brooke Shields, Jim Carrey, Jennifer Lopez and the couple Beckham. On the role of the organizer of the wedding was invited by Robert Armani - niece of renowned designers who came up with outfits for the bride and groom.
Elizabeth Hurley and Arun Nayar
Cost: $ 2, 5 million
Year: 2007
Marriage of British actress and Indian billionaire took a total of 8 days. At first, they were married in a Catholic church in England. Elizabeth Hurley down the aisle led Elton John, who has taken on the role of father planted. Then the couple together with two hundred guests went to Jodhpur after a few wild parties already was married according to Hindu tradition. As a venue for the ceremony was chosen hotel Umaid Bhawan Palace, in the past served as the residence of the Maharajas. Unlike his colleagues, who prefer to shift the responsibility for preparing for the wedding on the shoulders of specially trained people, Hurley took an active part in it. So, she came up with it gave each of the guests on the pocket "Kamasutra».
Heather Mills and Paul McCartney
Cost: $ 3 million
Year: 2002
The decision to marry Paul McCartney Heather Mills has caused a mixed reaction from fans of the musician as well as members of his family. Many suspected the bride that she is not motivated by love, and self-interest. However, to argue with Sir Paul was useless, and in June 2002 he delivered the coveted "yes" in a medieval Irish castle. At the wedding in Indian style sounded hits The Beatles, and among the guests loitering Ringo Starr. In the evening, the sky turned a spray of fireworks worth? 100 000. To sign the marriage contract McCartney refused, saying that their feelings with Mills can not be measured in money. Subsequently musician severely reproached himself for short-sightedness: after a divorce once beloved wife tried to sue him the lion's share of the state.
Liza Minnelli and David Gest
Cost: $ 3, 5 million
Year: 2002
Wedding star of the film "Cabaret" and the American producer is often compared to the award ceremony "Grammy": in the lobby of New York gathered at Regent celebrities from the world of film and music. Tony Bennett entertained the guests on the dance floor rustling skirts Diana Ross and Mia Farrow, the best man and maid of honor were Michael Jackson and Elizabeth Taylor, respectively. The newly minted couple sealed their union passionate kiss and the applause cut the cake cost $ 40 000. satin candy boxes that you get invited, stated: "Lisa and David forever." Bold prophecy did not come true: Gest and Minnelli filed for divorce and a half years. Their parting was accompanied by a loud trial on the division of property.
Chelsea Clinton and Marc Mezvinsky
Cost: $ 5 million
Year: 2010
Wedding only daughter of former US President held under the heading of strict secrecy. Chelsea Clinton and Marc Mezvinsky banker married in Reinbek, NY. To the paparazzi could not penetrate to the ceremony and party, leading to the city roads were closed as the air space above it, and guests were given special identification bracelets. Like a real American bride, Chelsea chose a dress from designer Vera Wang - a long-standing friend of the family Clinton. Refined over refreshments worked three large catering company, whose services cost a total of $ 750 000. The oath of allegiance to the future spouses at the same time brought before a pastor and a rabbi, as Chelsea - Methodist, and Mark - a Jew.
Wayne Rooney and Coleen McLoughlin
Cost: $ 8 million
Year: 2008
Not as an example to other players attacking team "Manchester United" married or not a model actress, and childhood friend, whom he met in high school. Make an offer Rooney was in no hurry, and the wedding couple spoke only six years after the beginning of the relationship. The ceremony was modest, and took only twenty minutes. But the event celebrated in a big way: the couple received guests on three boats off the coast of the Italian Riviera. The participants received a box with tropical butterfly and team organizers have released them into the air. Gifts from Rooney and McLaughlin refused: they preferred to everyone who was going to present them money instead made a donation to some charitable organization.
Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries
Cost: $ 10 million
Year: 2011
Name socialite Kim Kardashian is strongly associated with luxury. Received a marriage proposal from a basketball player Kris Humphries, she said that her wedding should capture the imagination of the American beau monde. As on an engagement ring fiance has not stinted: with diamonds at 20, 5 carats, it cost about $ 2 million. The guests were in a tent erected on the estate in Montecito, California. Inside it was decorated with thousands of fragrant roses African placed in elegant crystal vases produced by Baccarat. Invited obliged to comply with a strict dress code: only black or white outfits. They say that the cost of the wedding was also included circular face lift for the mother Kim.
Andrey Melnichenko and Aleksandra Nikolic
Cost: $ 30 million
Year: 2005
The news that Andrey Melnichenko married, plunged into despair hunters on the oligarchs. Russian businessman decided to link their fate with the owner of the title "Miss Yugoslavia." Nikolic Melnichenko and not only married, but also went through a wedding ceremony in the chapel, which for this purpose unassembled moved from the suburbs to the French Riviera town of Antibes. There also a private plane brought Christina Aguilera and Whitney Houston: the singer received $ 3, 5 million for agreeing to honor his presence wedding businessman. They also joined Julio and Enrique Iglesias. For refreshments posted famous French chef Alain Ducasse.
Prince William and Kate Middleton
Cost: $ 34 million
Year: 2011
In 2011, the world watched the wedding ceremony, the future heir to the British throne, and his girlfriend on the University of St Andrews. However, many residents of the United Kingdom were extremely unhappy that the triumph was paid, including the state budget. Despite the problematic economic situation in the state, the royal family alone wedding flowers bought a couple of hundred thousand pounds. Slightly smaller amount went to the feast for nearly 2,000 guests, and several million were spent on security measures. Of course, a solid financial investments in preparation for the holiday did parents of Kate Middleton - and did not show on this occasion discontent. It is understandable: not every day a daughter marries a prince.
Vanisha Mittal and Amit Bhatia
Cost: $ 60 million
Year: 2005
Vanisha Mittal has long led the list of enviable brides daughter of Indian Iron and Steel magnate Lakshmi Mittal, she received a dowry of billions of dollars. In 2004, his father blessed vanish to marry a banker Amit Bhatia. The celebration of the wedding, which was chosen for the most romantic city in the world, spread over a week. In Paris brought about 1,000 relatives and friends of the couple. They received an invitation to cast in silver caskets. Guests walked through the garden of the Tuileries, which in those days were not allowed other visitors admired the spectacular fireworks and dancing to the live performance of Kylie Minogue. The ceremony was consumed about 5,000 bottles of wine Chateau Mouton-Rothschild and eaten a few tens of kilograms of caviar.
Source: ihoraksjuta.livejournal.com
Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes

Cost: $ 2,000,000 Year: 2006 Media still relishes the details of divorce of Tom Cruise and Katie Homls. But recently the newspapers were filled with photographs of their wedding, which was held in Italy, in the Castle Odescalchi. Marriage was contracted in accordance with the canons of the Church of Scientology, which is adherent Cruz. But the couple having fun on the usual secular scenario: danced to pop hits, accepted congratulations from friends, enjoy Italian cuisine prepared by our chefs Dal Bolognese. Tender ballads on stage singing Andrea Bocelli, and toast is Brooke Shields, Jim Carrey, Jennifer Lopez and the couple Beckham. On the role of the organizer of the wedding was invited by Robert Armani - niece of renowned designers who came up with outfits for the bride and groom.
Elizabeth Hurley and Arun Nayar
Cost: $ 2, 5 million
Year: 2007
Marriage of British actress and Indian billionaire took a total of 8 days. At first, they were married in a Catholic church in England. Elizabeth Hurley down the aisle led Elton John, who has taken on the role of father planted. Then the couple together with two hundred guests went to Jodhpur after a few wild parties already was married according to Hindu tradition. As a venue for the ceremony was chosen hotel Umaid Bhawan Palace, in the past served as the residence of the Maharajas. Unlike his colleagues, who prefer to shift the responsibility for preparing for the wedding on the shoulders of specially trained people, Hurley took an active part in it. So, she came up with it gave each of the guests on the pocket "Kamasutra».
Heather Mills and Paul McCartney
Cost: $ 3 million
Year: 2002
The decision to marry Paul McCartney Heather Mills has caused a mixed reaction from fans of the musician as well as members of his family. Many suspected the bride that she is not motivated by love, and self-interest. However, to argue with Sir Paul was useless, and in June 2002 he delivered the coveted "yes" in a medieval Irish castle. At the wedding in Indian style sounded hits The Beatles, and among the guests loitering Ringo Starr. In the evening, the sky turned a spray of fireworks worth? 100 000. To sign the marriage contract McCartney refused, saying that their feelings with Mills can not be measured in money. Subsequently musician severely reproached himself for short-sightedness: after a divorce once beloved wife tried to sue him the lion's share of the state.

Liza Minnelli and David Gest
Cost: $ 3, 5 million
Year: 2002
Wedding star of the film "Cabaret" and the American producer is often compared to the award ceremony "Grammy": in the lobby of New York gathered at Regent celebrities from the world of film and music. Tony Bennett entertained the guests on the dance floor rustling skirts Diana Ross and Mia Farrow, the best man and maid of honor were Michael Jackson and Elizabeth Taylor, respectively. The newly minted couple sealed their union passionate kiss and the applause cut the cake cost $ 40 000. satin candy boxes that you get invited, stated: "Lisa and David forever." Bold prophecy did not come true: Gest and Minnelli filed for divorce and a half years. Their parting was accompanied by a loud trial on the division of property.

Chelsea Clinton and Marc Mezvinsky
Cost: $ 5 million
Year: 2010
Wedding only daughter of former US President held under the heading of strict secrecy. Chelsea Clinton and Marc Mezvinsky banker married in Reinbek, NY. To the paparazzi could not penetrate to the ceremony and party, leading to the city roads were closed as the air space above it, and guests were given special identification bracelets. Like a real American bride, Chelsea chose a dress from designer Vera Wang - a long-standing friend of the family Clinton. Refined over refreshments worked three large catering company, whose services cost a total of $ 750 000. The oath of allegiance to the future spouses at the same time brought before a pastor and a rabbi, as Chelsea - Methodist, and Mark - a Jew.

Wayne Rooney and Coleen McLoughlin
Cost: $ 8 million
Year: 2008
Not as an example to other players attacking team "Manchester United" married or not a model actress, and childhood friend, whom he met in high school. Make an offer Rooney was in no hurry, and the wedding couple spoke only six years after the beginning of the relationship. The ceremony was modest, and took only twenty minutes. But the event celebrated in a big way: the couple received guests on three boats off the coast of the Italian Riviera. The participants received a box with tropical butterfly and team organizers have released them into the air. Gifts from Rooney and McLaughlin refused: they preferred to everyone who was going to present them money instead made a donation to some charitable organization.

Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries
Cost: $ 10 million
Year: 2011
Name socialite Kim Kardashian is strongly associated with luxury. Received a marriage proposal from a basketball player Kris Humphries, she said that her wedding should capture the imagination of the American beau monde. As on an engagement ring fiance has not stinted: with diamonds at 20, 5 carats, it cost about $ 2 million. The guests were in a tent erected on the estate in Montecito, California. Inside it was decorated with thousands of fragrant roses African placed in elegant crystal vases produced by Baccarat. Invited obliged to comply with a strict dress code: only black or white outfits. They say that the cost of the wedding was also included circular face lift for the mother Kim.

Andrey Melnichenko and Aleksandra Nikolic
Cost: $ 30 million
Year: 2005
The news that Andrey Melnichenko married, plunged into despair hunters on the oligarchs. Russian businessman decided to link their fate with the owner of the title "Miss Yugoslavia." Nikolic Melnichenko and not only married, but also went through a wedding ceremony in the chapel, which for this purpose unassembled moved from the suburbs to the French Riviera town of Antibes. There also a private plane brought Christina Aguilera and Whitney Houston: the singer received $ 3, 5 million for agreeing to honor his presence wedding businessman. They also joined Julio and Enrique Iglesias. For refreshments posted famous French chef Alain Ducasse.

Prince William and Kate Middleton
Cost: $ 34 million
Year: 2011
In 2011, the world watched the wedding ceremony, the future heir to the British throne, and his girlfriend on the University of St Andrews. However, many residents of the United Kingdom were extremely unhappy that the triumph was paid, including the state budget. Despite the problematic economic situation in the state, the royal family alone wedding flowers bought a couple of hundred thousand pounds. Slightly smaller amount went to the feast for nearly 2,000 guests, and several million were spent on security measures. Of course, a solid financial investments in preparation for the holiday did parents of Kate Middleton - and did not show on this occasion discontent. It is understandable: not every day a daughter marries a prince.

Vanisha Mittal and Amit Bhatia
Cost: $ 60 million
Year: 2005
Vanisha Mittal has long led the list of enviable brides daughter of Indian Iron and Steel magnate Lakshmi Mittal, she received a dowry of billions of dollars. In 2004, his father blessed vanish to marry a banker Amit Bhatia. The celebration of the wedding, which was chosen for the most romantic city in the world, spread over a week. In Paris brought about 1,000 relatives and friends of the couple. They received an invitation to cast in silver caskets. Guests walked through the garden of the Tuileries, which in those days were not allowed other visitors admired the spectacular fireworks and dancing to the live performance of Kylie Minogue. The ceremony was consumed about 5,000 bottles of wine Chateau Mouton-Rothschild and eaten a few tens of kilograms of caviar.

Source: ihoraksjuta.livejournal.com