& Quot; Bubble & quot; Watch Awaglass 5.03.2013
- Sand through your fingers, time - water runs off a creek, rain, waterfall, time - what we lose, we kill in a hurry, try to stop, slow down, turn back the clock. But still time - it's the air bubbles that fill the tank hourglass. It looks like the project Awaglass, innovative watch from Norihiko Terayama, resembling in form and style sand, but not filled with sand, and liquid and air bubbles.
"Bubble" watch Awaglass outwardly indistinguishable from the sand. Identity and the specifics of their work, starting the countdown, you need to turn the "clocks" so that the sand, and in our case - a special liquid to move freely from the top to the bottom of the container. However, since the liquid - a special, then flowing from one half to another clock, it generates a large amount of bubbles iridescent? which in itself is very funny.
Bubbles within hours if live their lives. They foam and burst, colorful shimmer shiny sides and a very elegant look in the light of the lamp or the sun. Work Awaglass hypnotizes and enchants, so that the movement of these bubbles can be observed for a long time. Spectacle promises to be unusual and very beautiful, so sorry about the lost time will hardly.
Invented and realized a "bubble" in the company clock Awaglass Studio Note under the leadership of designer Norihiko Terayamy (Norihiko Terayama). The cost of an unusual gadget - about 66 dollars, and watch him work on a video, you can:
Source: tolik-bars.livejournal.com/18585.html
"Bubble" watch Awaglass outwardly indistinguishable from the sand. Identity and the specifics of their work, starting the countdown, you need to turn the "clocks" so that the sand, and in our case - a special liquid to move freely from the top to the bottom of the container. However, since the liquid - a special, then flowing from one half to another clock, it generates a large amount of bubbles iridescent? which in itself is very funny.
Bubbles within hours if live their lives. They foam and burst, colorful shimmer shiny sides and a very elegant look in the light of the lamp or the sun. Work Awaglass hypnotizes and enchants, so that the movement of these bubbles can be observed for a long time. Spectacle promises to be unusual and very beautiful, so sorry about the lost time will hardly.
Invented and realized a "bubble" in the company clock Awaglass Studio Note under the leadership of designer Norihiko Terayamy (Norihiko Terayama). The cost of an unusual gadget - about 66 dollars, and watch him work on a video, you can:
Source: tolik-bars.livejournal.com/18585.html