The daughter of Woody Allen said in an open letter as a cult director raped her as a child

Scandalous letter was published in the blog The New York Times. Adopted daughter of legendary Hollywood film detailed the history of sexual abuse, which she suffered from Allen, including once when he attacked her in the attic of his house, she was then 7 years old.
Farrow calls on celebrities who have worked with Allen, do not close their eyes to the truth:
"What if it was you, Emma Stone? Or do you, Scarlett Johansson? »
In the letter contained in the words of the press, "nauseating" the details of the rape:
"When I was seven years old, Woody Allen took my hand and led me to a dimly lit loft on the second floor of our house, - says Dylan Farrow, - he told me to lie on his stomach and play with my brother railway set. Then he raped me ».

With "dad Woody" in 1989, when he, in the words of Dylan, raped her
For twenty years, 78-year-old director is subject to charges of molesting a foster daughter in the period when he occasionally met with her mother, actress Mia Farrow.

Mia and Dylan
Currently Woody Allen married to another adopted daughter Farrow - Sun And that is his junior by 35 years. Director himself has always denied allegations of sexual harassment.

In his letter to Dylan Farrow she says she will never recover from the idea that Allen was not convicted of a crime.
"The fact that he got away with all he did to me, haunted me all the time when I was growing up».

The match in New York, a few hours after the publication of the letter Dylan
"Woody Allen - a living testimony of how our society does not recognize victims of sexual violence and abuse. Now, imagine that your seven-year daughter of Woody Allen molested in the attic. Imagine how sick her entire life at the mention of his name. Imagine a world that celebrates her tormentor. Can you imagine all this? Now, what's your favorite Woody Allen movie? »
Currently, Hollywood celebrities, who worked with Woody Allen, responding to the statement by Dylan with a variety of comments from sympathy for Dylan to the disturbance of its frankness.
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