Preserves youthfulness BY ice cubes.

Wiping the face with ice cubes - a good habit that will keep the skin of your face young and fit.
Besides such cosmetic fights and other disadvantages. Here are some recipes that will help in skin care face:
1. Whitening ice.
Add the clean water strawberry juice and pour into molds. Wipe the morning facial skin. So you get rid of age spots and lighten freckles. After the procedure, use tonic.
2. Ice to narrow pores.
Mix clean water and lemon juice 1: 1. This ice is recommended for people with fatty skin type. In addition, you can use ice from broth calendula and chamomile.
3. Ice against acne.
Mix a cup of water with a tablespoon of salt, pour into molds and place in the freezer.
4. Dry Ice and tightness of the skin.
Prepare the ice, with berry juice: 3 tbsp. spoon berries pour two cups of cold water, let it brew for three hours and then filter. Then fill in the form and send it in the freezer.