Senior police sergeant Dmitry Makovkin saved at the cost of dozens of people! Continued under the cut!
When the terrorist attack at the railway station Volgograd killed 29-year-old policeman - Sergeant Dmitry Makovkin. On the way to the metal detector, he noticed a young woman whose behavior seemed suspicious to him. He went to her, to check documents. Seeing the approaching police officer, a woman became nervous and ran deeper into the station. Dmitri rushed to intercept her, blocked the road. And there was an explosion.
According to CCTV, the explosion made all the same, a suicide bomber, but a police action provoked him to do this before you wonder what might have helped avoid more casualties.
Now all the experts are unanimous: if Dmitry Makovkin not barred criminal path, the number of victims would be counted in the hundreds. Moreover, thanks to Dmitry, terrorists do not have time to blow up the "grenade" - F-1 grenade - it defused explosives.
Colonel Igor Kirillov, a specialist in the field of service and criminal psychology, said that Sergeant probably did not even think at the moment about any self-sacrifice and the heroism of all. He's only in good faith, to the letter follow the instructions.
Hardly Dmitry suspected that before him - a terrorist. But ten years of service in the police, he learned the basic rules for determining suspicious people. And he knew stereotypes of behavior of those who are called "malefactors».
None-the-art equipment, "security strip" will not save, unless that's the honest campaigners such as Dmitry. That hour after hour, day per day will do their tedious, routine and, in general, not very rewarding work. That is, to look into the face of hundreds of people passing by, pick up all the nuances of their behavior, talk to them, to check the documents. Again - follow the instructions. In short, no heroism, tearing chest vest and throw a grenade under the tank is not required. But the police instructions on how to army regulations, written in blood. To retreat at least a comma - people will die. And who knows how many misfortunes have prevented such conventional, without any pathos, guys in uniform, as Dmitry Makovkin.
Simple guy could conscientiously and quietly serve in a non-commissioned rank of twenty years. And if nothing had happened, just as quietly retired. How to go on a kind of "retirement" nuclear missiles, because not once soaring. And thank God. But only due to their presence, we live in the world.
And Dmitry Makovkin as Mayakovsky said, making his "daily laborer feat". He just - he served. And when required - as simply stepped into immortality. Eternal glory to him, and the same memory.

When the terrorist attack at the railway station Volgograd killed 29-year-old policeman - Sergeant Dmitry Makovkin. On the way to the metal detector, he noticed a young woman whose behavior seemed suspicious to him. He went to her, to check documents. Seeing the approaching police officer, a woman became nervous and ran deeper into the station. Dmitri rushed to intercept her, blocked the road. And there was an explosion.
According to CCTV, the explosion made all the same, a suicide bomber, but a police action provoked him to do this before you wonder what might have helped avoid more casualties.
Now all the experts are unanimous: if Dmitry Makovkin not barred criminal path, the number of victims would be counted in the hundreds. Moreover, thanks to Dmitry, terrorists do not have time to blow up the "grenade" - F-1 grenade - it defused explosives.
Colonel Igor Kirillov, a specialist in the field of service and criminal psychology, said that Sergeant probably did not even think at the moment about any self-sacrifice and the heroism of all. He's only in good faith, to the letter follow the instructions.
Hardly Dmitry suspected that before him - a terrorist. But ten years of service in the police, he learned the basic rules for determining suspicious people. And he knew stereotypes of behavior of those who are called "malefactors».
None-the-art equipment, "security strip" will not save, unless that's the honest campaigners such as Dmitry. That hour after hour, day per day will do their tedious, routine and, in general, not very rewarding work. That is, to look into the face of hundreds of people passing by, pick up all the nuances of their behavior, talk to them, to check the documents. Again - follow the instructions. In short, no heroism, tearing chest vest and throw a grenade under the tank is not required. But the police instructions on how to army regulations, written in blood. To retreat at least a comma - people will die. And who knows how many misfortunes have prevented such conventional, without any pathos, guys in uniform, as Dmitry Makovkin.
Simple guy could conscientiously and quietly serve in a non-commissioned rank of twenty years. And if nothing had happened, just as quietly retired. How to go on a kind of "retirement" nuclear missiles, because not once soaring. And thank God. But only due to their presence, we live in the world.
And Dmitry Makovkin as Mayakovsky said, making his "daily laborer feat". He just - he served. And when required - as simply stepped into immortality. Eternal glory to him, and the same memory.