The war in Ukraine and the world's assistance to victims of Russian aggression

Military operations on the territory of the largest state in Europe left no one indifferent. Large companies, celebrities, foundations, ordinary people donate money to help the victims. The country desperately needs finance to maintain a critical supply of food, medicine, clothing.

Help from celebrities
More than 300 Western actors, musicians, artists, media personalities provided financial support to the people of Ukraine. The average donation is about $100,000. Among the most famous people, Angelina Jolie, Robert De Niro, Queen Elizabeth 2 of Great Britain should be singled out. The list is constantly updated, joint funds are organized.

Help from brokers
One of the most striking examples is the transfer of funds from a broker EXANTE https://mms.instructure.com/courses/19632/pages/exante-broker-donates-1m-to-ukraine. A million dollars will go primarily to help children, the most vulnerable people in the country. General Director Alexei Kiriyenko says that the desire for help in discussions with investors was unanimous, no one could observe the humanitarian crisis. Many other brokers expressed regret about the events that took place, allocated funds to support the country's economy.
Financial support from large companies
Elon Musk, the head of the telecommunications company Starlink, donated more than 1,000 radio stations to receive a signal from satellites to provide Internet to remote communities. McDonald's has closed all its branches in Ukraine, but continues to pay the average salary to employees (this is a little more than 10,000 people).
Help from ordinary civilians
One of the most admired of many stories is the sale of his own yacht by a resident of Sweden and the purchase of several modern ambulances with the proceeds to evacuate seriously injured people to safe areas. Many people from all over Europe bring medicines, things, food to the border for further distribution to civilians. The story of a Spaniard who brought a valuable cargo on his motorcycle became widely known.
Financial and material assistance in the most significant volumes is provided at the state level (Great Britain, the USA, Germany and some others). But no one canceled the collective responsibility for the innocent population of Ukraine. It's just great that everyone is supporting us, from large companies to ordinary people. If you have a surplus of resources, then do not stand aside. Perhaps it is your «Penny» that will save someone's life. Don't waste your time, it's worth more than ever.

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