Top memy history

At the end of March 2013, Google was in third place on the ground. It was estimated at 263 billion dollars. Richer Google appeared only Exxon Mobil and Apple.
Exxon Mobil sells oil, Apple - fashionable phones and tablets, and Google, roughly speaking, is making money out of thin air. Its product - that is, information and resource - people.
The company got up and climbed on a simple but brilliant idea - to capture and index the links that make the users of search engines. In other words, to use the collective intelligence of the world of the human anthill.
This principle has now received further development. Two professors of computer science, Skiena and Ward developed a method for quantitative analysis and applied it to the content of Wikipedia. Not all, but only to influential personalities of history.
It is not even the individual, as a specific unit of history, and so-called "memes", that is the idea, the concept, which roam in the network from person to person. Some memes are growing, others wither and die.
For example, Nelson Mandela, of which only the last two weeks and wrote, was far outside the list, at a modest 365 place.
In the first place - Jesus Christ, the Jewish prophet, which grew on the teachings of Christianity, and the second - Napoleon Bonaparte, "the Corsican upstart," as he contemptuously called the Russian court of Alexander the Great. He began artillery lieutenant, graduated from the defeated French emperor great.
However, and got on the list for 3rd place Mogamet, blessed be his memory, too, he began as a shepherd, then became a merchant caravan, and only then - the prophet and leader.
4th place - Shakespeare, who left behind an immortal literature and more doubts about his own personality.
Abraham Lincoln, the winner in the civil war with the south of the northern states, and thus contribute to the abolition of slavery in the Americas, the 5th place.
George Washington reminds us about yourself with dollar bills for him 6th place.
Adolf Hitler was obsessed with demonic forces the evil genius of history - on the 7th.
At the 8th - Aristotle, a philosopher and a scientist on the books which humanity has learned a half thousand years.
His pupil, Alexander the Great - on the 9th.
Karl Marx took 14 place, Stalin and Einstein coexist on the 18th and 19th places.
Churchill was located close to Genghis Khan, 37 and 38 places.
Thus, Russia is represented in the list.
Stalin - though the Georgians, but Russian. Genghis Khan, the Mongol, though, but, in general, is also ours, from the lower reaches of the Volga.
Many millions of opinions and preferences, caught tricky algorithm, gave us the history of dry sediment.
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