Ossified embryo

In one of the Colombian clinics took a sensational case. 82-year-old patient complained of abdominal pain. On examination, female doctor noticed a suspicious lump in the abdomen. Upon further examination, doctors have begun to lean toward the view that the blame stuffy gallstone bolezn.Pri further evaluation with ultrasound diagnosis was not confirmed

After the patient was sent for X-rays, doctors again started talking about the tumor. However, upon further examination it was found that atypical seal, which causes a woman pain in the abdomen appeared fetus a child who is numb. Under assumptions of medical fruit stayed in the woman's body for more than 40 words let.Po doctor Kemer Ramirez, there is a case lithopedion. That's called zakostenevayuschy fruit that develops in terms of ectopic pregnancy. The abdomen is not the place that nature intended for carrying a child. Therefore, in an environment where the development began to occur outside the uterus, the fetus was obizvestvlen. Thus, a woman's body reacted to the developing embryo. The body triggered protective mechanisms, and the fetus appeared encapsulated and numb.


Source: strajj.livejournal.com


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