Multiple levels floating hotel Manta Resort
Manta Resort is a floating hotel off the coast of Pemba Island, in the Indian Ocean. This mini-hotel offers not only an unusual place for a night's rest, but also a luxury underwater room with stunning views.
The developer of the project was the Swedish designer Mikael Genberg (Mikael Genberg), head of the company «Genberg Underwater Hotels». In fact, Manta Resort is a special architectural island, which quietly drifting off the coast of East Africa. The upper part of the "island", allows you to enjoy the vast expanses of the ocean and the beautiful scenery of the Black Continent. At that time, as a bedroom, located 4 meters below the waterline, acquaints us with the diversity of the underwater world of the Indian Ocean.
The developer of the project was the Swedish designer Mikael Genberg (Mikael Genberg), head of the company «Genberg Underwater Hotels». In fact, Manta Resort is a special architectural island, which quietly drifting off the coast of East Africa. The upper part of the "island", allows you to enjoy the vast expanses of the ocean and the beautiful scenery of the Black Continent. At that time, as a bedroom, located 4 meters below the waterline, acquaints us with the diversity of the underwater world of the Indian Ocean.