Portable 3D-scanner Sense 3D can "scan" of man

Now 3D-printers are becoming more and more common. Of course, once these devices have become increasingly popular, manufacturers raise the question of creation and 3D-scanners to get a digital copy of a volume of an object. In the future, you can copy or print it, or simply to keep the best times for a different purpose. However, three-dimensional scanners, yet pricey.
So, perhaps the standard of this type of device is Makerbot Digitizer for $ 1,400 US. While allowing the scanner limited size of the object 20, 3 cm. What to do if you want to get a three-dimensional model of an object, the size of which exceeds the capacity of the scanner?
This problem have tried to solve, and it seemed the decision turned out quite interesting. We are talking about the scanner Sense 3D . The price of the device is $ 400, which is a bit compared to other 3D scanners.
Scanner, according to its creators, works well in the case of objects of any size, up to the size of the person. The device comes with proprietary software, which, after processing the image, gives model files in STL format and PLY.
These files are models, according to the manufacturer, can be used to "print" almost any 3D-printers. The scanner connects to a device running Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 via USB 2.0.
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/201744/