Swedish Brad Pitt Mattias Lindblom
Somehow it happened that I learned of the existence of the group Vacuum only recently have many years after the peak of the popularity of the team. Although the song «I breathe» and «Let the mountains come to me» heard millions of times on the radio. (It often happens: fanateesh from the song, but an artist - a dream spirit :)))). It was very surprising to learn that synthpop project Vacuum - the brainchild of the Swedish genius Alexander Bard, the man who once "spawned» Army of lovers and BWO.
But we are not about to Barda and Lindblom, although Bard, too, of course, deserves a separate post. The permanent soloist Vacuum in 15 years transformed from androgynous blonde similar to biorobot, in a very sexual unshaven man whose fans is often compared to Brad Pitt. See how they look!
And this was 15 years ago Mathias!
Music, of course, for 15 years, too, has changed. In general, if you look well, now from the former Vacuum left only the name but he Lindblom. At this time, the singer is a team together with composer Andreas Volbekom. Pathos ballad with a clear bias Scientology were in the 90s, and now takes Vacuum lyrics
Mattias Lindblom came Vacuum in 1996. Specifically, it brought Alexander Bard, who decided to create synth-pop project other than a geek-burlesque Army of lovers. Bard decided that the new team would stick to a totally different line - sing of scientific and technical progress, simultaneously affecting the social and religious themes. Of course, for such a project required a special soloist. Man with angelic appearance Bard spotted in one of Stockholm's clubs
Man with obviously silly manners (Bard), calm, like a robot woman (Marina Schiptjenko) and angelically handsome young man with sleek hair (Lindblom) - this was the original composition of the Vacuum. Undoubtedly, the original style of performance could not be evaluated audiences and critics. The year 1997 was a triumph of Swedish actors on the European stage. Vacuum «shaking" not only Western Europe, but the whole of the CIS. After the release of the first album «The Plutonium Cathedral» All the band members have become superstars
But Mattias Lindblom never felt full-fledged artist, as despite the fact that he was a singer Vacuum, the undisputed leader of the project was Alexander Bard. Matthias Bard came up, he wrote all the songs, but fans of Mathias worshiped, not his. Therefore Bard in 1999 left the project. For the fans it was like a bolt from the blue.
Alexander Bard
Lindblom and Marina Schiptjenko continued for some time performing together. Matthias has repeatedly confessed in an interview that Vacuum was everything to him, so he will make every effort that the project is not "turned down". However, with the departure of the Bard Group ended the golden period. In 1999, Marina Schiptjenko out in the new draft Bard - BWO, and Lindblom were out of work (((
Mattias and Marina
But Mathias was not one of those guys who folded the handle when things go wrong. The musician always dreamed of a team, the leader of which he could be without any Bards - he did it. Lindblom met the Swedish composer Anders Wahlbeck and invites him to join the project Vacuum, the right to which kindly left Matthias Alexander Bard.
New Vacuum was presented to Europe in 2002. However, from the previous synth-pop of the project remains the same name. Lindblom is no longer sported a baggy clothes and sleek hair - he now he was free to build their own image. Mathias picked role pathetic romantic who sings about love, not about space rockets and religion
Alas, two years European listeners forgotten about the Vacuum, the more that the Bard was already on the crest of popularity with his BWO. Therefore Lindblom had to win viewers love again. At this time, we can say that he did it by 30 percent Yes, Vacuum invited to various festivals, new songs rarely played on the radio, albums are sold on the sly, but ... to succeed, which was in a Vacuum Bard is very, very far away. < br />
Despite the fact that the Vacuum unlikely to ever regain its former popularity, I admire the talent and assertiveness Mathias Lindblom. He writes good songs for other European teams and engaged in Producing young performers. Well, apart from that, he is a very handsome male)))
This is my favorite song from the new Vacuum. Vocal Matthias capacity for 15 years did not exhausted!
But we are not about to Barda and Lindblom, although Bard, too, of course, deserves a separate post. The permanent soloist Vacuum in 15 years transformed from androgynous blonde similar to biorobot, in a very sexual unshaven man whose fans is often compared to Brad Pitt. See how they look!

And this was 15 years ago Mathias!

Music, of course, for 15 years, too, has changed. In general, if you look well, now from the former Vacuum left only the name but he Lindblom. At this time, the singer is a team together with composer Andreas Volbekom. Pathos ballad with a clear bias Scientology were in the 90s, and now takes Vacuum lyrics

Mattias Lindblom came Vacuum in 1996. Specifically, it brought Alexander Bard, who decided to create synth-pop project other than a geek-burlesque Army of lovers. Bard decided that the new team would stick to a totally different line - sing of scientific and technical progress, simultaneously affecting the social and religious themes. Of course, for such a project required a special soloist. Man with angelic appearance Bard spotted in one of Stockholm's clubs

Man with obviously silly manners (Bard), calm, like a robot woman (Marina Schiptjenko) and angelically handsome young man with sleek hair (Lindblom) - this was the original composition of the Vacuum. Undoubtedly, the original style of performance could not be evaluated audiences and critics. The year 1997 was a triumph of Swedish actors on the European stage. Vacuum «shaking" not only Western Europe, but the whole of the CIS. After the release of the first album «The Plutonium Cathedral» All the band members have become superstars

But Mattias Lindblom never felt full-fledged artist, as despite the fact that he was a singer Vacuum, the undisputed leader of the project was Alexander Bard. Matthias Bard came up, he wrote all the songs, but fans of Mathias worshiped, not his. Therefore Bard in 1999 left the project. For the fans it was like a bolt from the blue.
Alexander Bard

Lindblom and Marina Schiptjenko continued for some time performing together. Matthias has repeatedly confessed in an interview that Vacuum was everything to him, so he will make every effort that the project is not "turned down". However, with the departure of the Bard Group ended the golden period. In 1999, Marina Schiptjenko out in the new draft Bard - BWO, and Lindblom were out of work (((
Mattias and Marina

But Mathias was not one of those guys who folded the handle when things go wrong. The musician always dreamed of a team, the leader of which he could be without any Bards - he did it. Lindblom met the Swedish composer Anders Wahlbeck and invites him to join the project Vacuum, the right to which kindly left Matthias Alexander Bard.

New Vacuum was presented to Europe in 2002. However, from the previous synth-pop of the project remains the same name. Lindblom is no longer sported a baggy clothes and sleek hair - he now he was free to build their own image. Mathias picked role pathetic romantic who sings about love, not about space rockets and religion

Alas, two years European listeners forgotten about the Vacuum, the more that the Bard was already on the crest of popularity with his BWO. Therefore Lindblom had to win viewers love again. At this time, we can say that he did it by 30 percent Yes, Vacuum invited to various festivals, new songs rarely played on the radio, albums are sold on the sly, but ... to succeed, which was in a Vacuum Bard is very, very far away. < br />

Despite the fact that the Vacuum unlikely to ever regain its former popularity, I admire the talent and assertiveness Mathias Lindblom. He writes good songs for other European teams and engaged in Producing young performers. Well, apart from that, he is a very handsome male)))

This is my favorite song from the new Vacuum. Vocal Matthias capacity for 15 years did not exhausted!