Delyara Darabi
For the love of a girl capable of many things - forget about yourself, to sacrifice everything, and sometimes they go and the most desperate things. But we need to think about it, but is it worth your favorite of all this? The story I'll tell, sad and instructive, and at one time she excited the whole world ...
May 1, 2009 in Iran was given the death sentence in relation to the seventeen year old girl named Delyara Darabi. The reason for this sentence was the murder of her wealthy aunt in which she confessed Delyara. Someone, perhaps, think that it is quite a fair punishment for such an offense, even with respect to a minor. But in fact, the story Delyara Darabi much more dramatic than it seems at first glance ...
The murder of 63-year-old cousin of his father Darabi was committed in September 2003, an unidentified gunman. Suspicion immediately fell Amir Hossein, a young man who was a regular guest in her home, only two years older than Delyara. As it turned out, he was also a lover of the girl. Her feeling for him was so strong that she went to the police and said that she committed the crime. However, this act she decided not without his beloved. He convinced her that for her, as for juveniles, will not be a serious punishment, unlike him, who at that time was full of nineteen.
Delyara took over the court, which sentenced her to death by hanging. Realizing what she'd done, she told the court the truth, but ... Despite the fact that Amir was arrested and condemned, he was given only ten years old. A Delyara ... Her sentence remained unchanged, only now as the reason was "complicity".
Completely unclear what kind of complicity in question and will only acutely aware of the absurdity of what happened. Delyara held in prison five agonizing years, during which time her family fought for the abolition of the sentence, and it was between life and death, between hope and despair. In order not to go crazy, she began to paint. Her paintings are amazing, the dark, morbid amazing splash of colors, the blurred lines and faces, but they are always full of emotions, and calmly look at them impossible. In prison, opened a real talent Delyara, native even managed to organize an exhibition of her works, through which the world and became known this story. But despite a public outcry, the judge remained adamant, and the sentence was carried out.
In prison for his inexhaustible talent Delyara was nicknamed "Captive colors", but it did not care ... In her diary she wrote:
"I would call you anyway.
Who can guess the name of the first?
What thinks free bird?
Where will fly, not noticing the abyss?
And then suddenly she sees?
She felt empty,
Void of feelings, the name of which - freedom ».
Delyara Darabi ©
Unfortunately, there were only pictures ... And again and again they tell us about it. About her pain, agony of the doomed, the injustice of this world and devoted love.

May 1, 2009 in Iran was given the death sentence in relation to the seventeen year old girl named Delyara Darabi. The reason for this sentence was the murder of her wealthy aunt in which she confessed Delyara. Someone, perhaps, think that it is quite a fair punishment for such an offense, even with respect to a minor. But in fact, the story Delyara Darabi much more dramatic than it seems at first glance ...
The murder of 63-year-old cousin of his father Darabi was committed in September 2003, an unidentified gunman. Suspicion immediately fell Amir Hossein, a young man who was a regular guest in her home, only two years older than Delyara. As it turned out, he was also a lover of the girl. Her feeling for him was so strong that she went to the police and said that she committed the crime. However, this act she decided not without his beloved. He convinced her that for her, as for juveniles, will not be a serious punishment, unlike him, who at that time was full of nineteen.
Delyara took over the court, which sentenced her to death by hanging. Realizing what she'd done, she told the court the truth, but ... Despite the fact that Amir was arrested and condemned, he was given only ten years old. A Delyara ... Her sentence remained unchanged, only now as the reason was "complicity".

Completely unclear what kind of complicity in question and will only acutely aware of the absurdity of what happened. Delyara held in prison five agonizing years, during which time her family fought for the abolition of the sentence, and it was between life and death, between hope and despair. In order not to go crazy, she began to paint. Her paintings are amazing, the dark, morbid amazing splash of colors, the blurred lines and faces, but they are always full of emotions, and calmly look at them impossible. In prison, opened a real talent Delyara, native even managed to organize an exhibition of her works, through which the world and became known this story. But despite a public outcry, the judge remained adamant, and the sentence was carried out.

In prison for his inexhaustible talent Delyara was nicknamed "Captive colors", but it did not care ... In her diary she wrote:
"I would call you anyway.
Who can guess the name of the first?
What thinks free bird?
Where will fly, not noticing the abyss?
And then suddenly she sees?
She felt empty,
Void of feelings, the name of which - freedom ».
Delyara Darabi ©

Unfortunately, there were only pictures ... And again and again they tell us about it. About her pain, agony of the doomed, the injustice of this world and devoted love.