Photos of Demi Moore
Hard to believe, but the actress Demi Moore knocks this year exactly 50 years, about 12 of whom she lived with Bruce Willis, and 6 with Ashton Kutcher. Oh, what-what, and in the selection of mother of three children of men knows what's what. Unfortunately, none of the marriage of beauty Demi, who looks after himself better than some starlet, did not pass the test of time. Moore has been married three times (for a rock musician Freddy Moore, from which it got its sonorous name for actor Bruce Willis, from whom she had three daughters, and actor Ashton Kutcher, who is 16 years younger than her). Demetria Gene nee Hynes (it sounds so full real name is Demi) is the star of the movie "Striptease" and "Ghost", as well as a big fan of Twitter communication. Demi, who started his career as a model, likes to pose in front of a webcam, and then put the resulting pictures on his page. Photos are many, mostly they are out of the house of Demi, and of course a couple of shots with ex-husband also has (he doted Demi Internet).