Club hairstyles
The simplest version of the club hair, IMHO - it is high "ponytail". However, this hairstyle is for those who have long hair, but what about the rest? Stylin ', varnished evening hairstyle with pearls and flowers in the club will look out of place, but just wash your hair and dry it is not a ride (unless you do not have "hedgehog"). But how well that in the world there Selebi - they prompt us to options other than the club hair-look, the creation of which will not take long
1. Low tail like Jennifer Love Hewitt. Outrageously simple, but you will agree, is cute! "Chip" - the tail is not attached at the neck, and is closer to the ear freely. The ends should be lightly curled. This hairstyle looks carefully by carefully laid a bang, so it should be given maximum attention
2. The hair is not very long? No problem! This hairstyle is good for the club, and every day, because it looks very intelligent. Hair should be washed and dry. Distributed over the entire length of a little foam of strong fixing (cheaper is better not to take, for receive "snot"), and screwed onto large rollers (descend and foam). After two or three hours to remove. Waves will be held for a long time, Ashley Greene recommends!
3. hairstyle challah, which demonstrates Jennifer Lopez, we have already written on the site. Nuance create it - you need to spray more to fix, otherwise this beauty will drop in half an hour. Before making their tail challah, it should be a little comb
4. Here and hairstyles as such, no, just curled locks from the middle. Fishka- shining hair like Emma Stone. It's just - there are special sprays giving shine. Only without sparkles - it's farm.
5. Spit "vice versa." Description of this weaving technique with step by step pictures on the Internet a lot. Nuance - hair should be raised from the roots to the crown, this sleek hairstyle lose flavor
For Highlighted Hair, or balayazhem (as Beyoncé) this hairstyle looks even juicier
6. Option for quite lenyvyh - just straighten your hair utjuzhkom. At the ends of iron is slightly rotated to obtain such poluzavitki itself. So to make a model and TV presenter Cat Dili, as I do every day on the job)
7. Romantic hairstyle for owners of the short hair the same length. Accent - one broad strands, which remains "in free fall", the rest of the hair back and cleaned carelessly slaughtered. The free strand curl tongs and sprinkle with varnish. Handsomely. I have not tried to do so, but Lauren Conrad goes
8. At this hairstyle long hair looks great! Chip - taken some small strands and curl in different directions. It turns out very volume hair. Then the individual strands are taken from the ear and are connected at the back. Ashley Tisdale Shows
9. There is even simpler - strands curl on a very large curling iron, then comb, then it is necessary for the "walk" palms soaked in the gel for hair. The main thing - do not overdo it, and the hair will be sticky. Jennifer Aniston often makes this hairstyle
10. With short hair does not clear up, but you can make a nice bow-Kheir. Evan Rachel Wood came originally - it is formed of short curly locks "nest" (more precisely, it is made)
1. Low tail like Jennifer Love Hewitt. Outrageously simple, but you will agree, is cute! "Chip" - the tail is not attached at the neck, and is closer to the ear freely. The ends should be lightly curled. This hairstyle looks carefully by carefully laid a bang, so it should be given maximum attention

2. The hair is not very long? No problem! This hairstyle is good for the club, and every day, because it looks very intelligent. Hair should be washed and dry. Distributed over the entire length of a little foam of strong fixing (cheaper is better not to take, for receive "snot"), and screwed onto large rollers (descend and foam). After two or three hours to remove. Waves will be held for a long time, Ashley Greene recommends!

3. hairstyle challah, which demonstrates Jennifer Lopez, we have already written on the site. Nuance create it - you need to spray more to fix, otherwise this beauty will drop in half an hour. Before making their tail challah, it should be a little comb

4. Here and hairstyles as such, no, just curled locks from the middle. Fishka- shining hair like Emma Stone. It's just - there are special sprays giving shine. Only without sparkles - it's farm.

5. Spit "vice versa." Description of this weaving technique with step by step pictures on the Internet a lot. Nuance - hair should be raised from the roots to the crown, this sleek hairstyle lose flavor
For Highlighted Hair, or balayazhem (as Beyoncé) this hairstyle looks even juicier

6. Option for quite lenyvyh - just straighten your hair utjuzhkom. At the ends of iron is slightly rotated to obtain such poluzavitki itself. So to make a model and TV presenter Cat Dili, as I do every day on the job)

7. Romantic hairstyle for owners of the short hair the same length. Accent - one broad strands, which remains "in free fall", the rest of the hair back and cleaned carelessly slaughtered. The free strand curl tongs and sprinkle with varnish. Handsomely. I have not tried to do so, but Lauren Conrad goes

8. At this hairstyle long hair looks great! Chip - taken some small strands and curl in different directions. It turns out very volume hair. Then the individual strands are taken from the ear and are connected at the back. Ashley Tisdale Shows

9. There is even simpler - strands curl on a very large curling iron, then comb, then it is necessary for the "walk" palms soaked in the gel for hair. The main thing - do not overdo it, and the hair will be sticky. Jennifer Aniston often makes this hairstyle

10. With short hair does not clear up, but you can make a nice bow-Kheir. Evan Rachel Wood came originally - it is formed of short curly locks "nest" (more precisely, it is made)