Lily Allen
Very scary to imagine that experienced in this life Lily Allen. No, she did not have the failed albums, on the contrary, it drives have always been among the leaders in the British audience, but she experienced something that not every woman can endure. Lily had two miscarriages, and it does not wish anyone. But in spite of everything that happened in 2008 and 2010, Allen right: married her longtime boyfriend - businessman Sam Cooper and gave birth to daughter Ethel Mary Cooper at the end of last year. Many detractors say that the loss of even unborn children - an echo of the fact that Lily had too many bad habits, but is at least some expectant mother, whether anyone deserves this punishment again? I do not think. In addition, children should not pay for the sins of their parents.
Thank God that the performer hit «Smile» now everything is in order and it seems to be already working on a new album. Several times the 26-year-old Lily saw in the recording studio and they say that she is trying to record new tracks that should excite the British public. Adele, Cheryl Cole and Leona Lewis can meet with new-old rival.
Thank God that the performer hit «Smile» now everything is in order and it seems to be already working on a new album. Several times the 26-year-old Lily saw in the recording studio and they say that she is trying to record new tracks that should excite the British public. Adele, Cheryl Cole and Leona Lewis can meet with new-old rival.