Camera, Action
They star in the rays of which we do not bathe - they are too far away, but make an amazing constellation that we do not get tired of admiring the large and small screens. They Wizard of Oz, each which its own. They are great liars and schemers, but we voluntarily put on green glasses with a lock to once again plunge into another world, even if only for a few hours. They have a time machine and they do not have to persuade the two of us, so we ride on it with the breeze. They are ruthless psychoanalysts, sometimes causing us both innocent emotions and feelings. They are geniuses in jeans and a sweater, catching committed and ordinary moments of life is made up of a mosaic of them incredible. They are totally ordinary people with simple and complex desires and problems, and they remain as long as do not stand behind her - her camera. Directed start to shooting his films, one there, one there, then the third. But every once again comes over his "Emerald City" by new jewels, subordinating the absolute reality of unconditional magic, and we look forward to, the next time will be able to enter and enjoy the incredible world of cinema.
Federico Fellini
Sofia Coppola
Roman Polanski
Martin Scorsese
Sergio Leone
Francesco Rosi
Claude Lelouch
Christophe Honore
Eric Rohmer
Steven Spielberg
Robert Altman
Rheine Vernet Fassbinder
Peter Brook
David Lynch
Emir Kusturica
Woody Allen
Robert Aldrich
Jacques Tati
Stanley Kubrick
Pier Paolo Pasolini
Otto Preminger
Agnes Varda
John Huston
Claude Chabrol
Alfred Hitchcock
William Wyler
Clarence Brown
David Lin
Luchino Visconti
Federico Fellini

Sofia Coppola

Roman Polanski

Martin Scorsese

Sergio Leone

Francesco Rosi

Claude Lelouch

Christophe Honore

Eric Rohmer

Steven Spielberg

Robert Altman

Rheine Vernet Fassbinder

Peter Brook

David Lynch

Emir Kusturica

Woody Allen

Robert Aldrich

Jacques Tati

Stanley Kubrick

Pier Paolo Pasolini

Otto Preminger

Agnes Varda

John Huston

Claude Chabrol

Alfred Hitchcock

William Wyler

Clarence Brown

David Lin

Luchino Visconti