50 greatest movie stars

In this part of the rating will be actress.
25.Ava Gardner (1922-1990)

Nominee "Oscar" for his role in the film "Mogambo" .Trizhdy was married, including Mickey Rooney and Frank Sinatra.

Frank Sinatra
24.Meri Pickford (1892-1979)

She starred in about 250 filmah.Legenda silent film.

Along with Charlie Chaplin and others founded the film company United Artists.

Awarded the "Oscar" for his role in the film "Coquette" in 1930.
23.Kerol Lombard (1908-1942)

Nominee for "Oscar" .Byla married to Clark Geyblom.Pogibla in a plane crash.

22.Dzhin Harlow (1911-1937)

Sex symbol of the 1930s godov.Iz of the color of her hair platinum blonde named - Harlow was the first Hollywood diva who wore it prozvische.Skonchalas from uremia at the age of twenty-six.

The most successful was kinoduet actress with the famous actor Clark Gable - they starred together six times.
21.Sofi Lauren (1934)

Everyone knows the Italian actress is the owner of the honorary prizes for all major film festivals, as well as honorary "Oscar" (1991) with the words "in his career, rich in memorable roles, giving no dimming luster cinema».

20.Lorin Bacall (1924)

The widow of Humphrey Bogart, the owner of an honorary "Oscar" (2009), winner of two "Golden Globes" and two awards "Tony».

Lauren Bacall - cousin of Israeli President Shimon Peres.

19.Rita Hayworth (1918-1987)

American actress and dancer, is one of the most famous Hollywood stars of the 1940s.

18.Shirli Temple (1928)

The winner of the "Youth Academy Awards" (the young man who receives "Oscar»).

Best known for her children's roles in 1930s.

17.Lillian Gish (1893-1993)

with his sister Dorothy

Her film career lasted 75 years.
16.Viven Lee (1913-1967)

Very beautiful and talented actress, but her in the role of Scarlett O'Hara nobody vizhu.Byla married to Laurence Olivier.

Influenced by manic depression for most of his adult life, Vivien Leigh gained a reputation as an actress, which is difficult to work.

with Marlon Brando.
15.Mey West (1893-1980)

One of the most controversial stars of her time.

Mae West was short and to appear above the others, she was wearing shoes with very high heels, and sometimes on the platform (which is rarely seen someone as her dresses were quite long) and made tall hairstyle.

14.Dzhindzher Rogers (1911-1995)

I love her very beautiful actress and dancer.

The most famous joint action paired with Fred Astaire.
To be continued…