Movies with Ingrid Bergman
August 29, 1925 in Stockholm, was born a great actress, winner of three Oscars, a symbol of his time, and a woman of extraordinary beauty, Ingrid Bergman. By chance it was August 29 and she passed away from breast cancer. On account of Ingrid many interesting roles, but the most famous - is, of course, many favorite tragic Casablanca. In honor of the birth and death of Ingrid remember the best roles for her acting career.
1. Intermezzo (1939)
Intermezzo was the first film in Hollywood, Ingrid and her first success story like the story of Cinderella. Arriving in America, Ingrid did not speak in English, was considered too high by Hollywood standards of the time, and her name producers initially proposed to change a nickname, because "Ingrid Bergman" sounded too German. Ignrid was sweet and charming to everyone and very taxing on the conditions of filming compared with Hollywood stars. As a result, her image was decided to leave everything unchanged, playing a young Anita Hoffman - music teacher - Bergman became an instant star of American cinema, having won the love of the audience, producers and critics. However, this was only the beginning ...
2. Casablanca (1942)
In Casablanca, Ingrid played the female lead - Ilsa Laszlo. Norwegian nationality and anti-fascist movement leader's wife met in Casablanca, his old lover and tries to convince him to help her husband escape and continue to fight the Nazis. Ingrid gave great spiritual throwing heroine at the turbulent times, and its Scandinavian beauty once again won the audience. The movie "Casablanca" was nominated for 8 Oscars and got 3 of them.
3. Gaslight (1944)
In the thriller "Gaslight" Ingrid plays a woman named Paula, almost brought to madness by her husband. Moved after the wedding in the house, where many years ago she witnessed the murder of his aunt, the young wife begins to hear sounds, and the gas light fades in the night itself ... This gradually leads to paranoia, but it starts to become clear when an event interferes Inspector Brian .
For the role of floors in the Gaslight Ingrid received her first Oscar for Best Actress, so the level of its mastrestva acting in this film is not worth doubt!
4. "Spellbound" (1944)
Ingrid Bergman was one of "Hitchcock Blonde" and played in three of his films, and "Spellbound" - one of them. Bergman played employee Institute of Psychiatry, which tied a passionate affair with the new director of the institute. However, the legendary Hitchcock's not that simple - a handsome scientist is an impostor and heroine Ingrid - Constantia - undertakes an investigation going on.
It is noteworthy that during the shooting between the protagonists of the fire of passion broke out not only in the frame, but also behind the scenes. Ingrid's husband was this, of course, extremely dissatisfied and tried to influence what is happening through the film's producers.
5. Joan of Arc at the stake (1948)
In 1948, Ingrid Bergman try on the role of the French warrior Joan of Arc in the film by Roberto Rossellini. For many years, Ingrid wanted to play Joan of Arc, before she has dabbled in the role on Broadway. In the film, she appeared in a slightly modified form of - a darker and shorter hair.
Despite the fact that for this role, Ingrid was nominated for an Oscar for best actress, the film is generally regarded as a failure. However, the reason for this is not in the movie in itself, and in the disclosure of an extramarital affair between the actress and film director Rossellini. No, it was not some petty affair - Bergman bore him a son being while still married to Lindstrom. This led to a big scandal and litigation Ingrid and her husband, but in spite of all obstacles Ingrid still left for Italy to the beloved, where their wedding took place, and where they were born two daughters, one of whom was the famous model. Despite the newfound happiness in your personal life, this period is considered the decline in the acting career, Ingrid Bergman, as public scandals led to a negative perception of her work.
6. Anastasia (1956)
Performance in the film "Anastasia" became triumphant return to Hollywood, Ingrid. The plot put the legend of the lost daughter of the last Russian tsar Anastasia. In addition to the stunning game Ingrid would like to mention gorgeous costumes era of tsarist Russia.
For the role of Anastasia Ingrid received her second Academy Award for Best Actress, and this was her first public appearance in public after a family scandal.
In addition to acting talent and prominent roles, Ingrid was also very interesting and controversial personality, but that's another story ... If after watching her best films you wanted to learn more about the personal life of the actress, her life is covered by one of the best biographers of our time Donald Spoto - the author of biographies of Marilyn Monroe and Audrey Hepburn.
Source: vev.ru/
1. Intermezzo (1939)
Intermezzo was the first film in Hollywood, Ingrid and her first success story like the story of Cinderella. Arriving in America, Ingrid did not speak in English, was considered too high by Hollywood standards of the time, and her name producers initially proposed to change a nickname, because "Ingrid Bergman" sounded too German. Ignrid was sweet and charming to everyone and very taxing on the conditions of filming compared with Hollywood stars. As a result, her image was decided to leave everything unchanged, playing a young Anita Hoffman - music teacher - Bergman became an instant star of American cinema, having won the love of the audience, producers and critics. However, this was only the beginning ...

2. Casablanca (1942)
In Casablanca, Ingrid played the female lead - Ilsa Laszlo. Norwegian nationality and anti-fascist movement leader's wife met in Casablanca, his old lover and tries to convince him to help her husband escape and continue to fight the Nazis. Ingrid gave great spiritual throwing heroine at the turbulent times, and its Scandinavian beauty once again won the audience. The movie "Casablanca" was nominated for 8 Oscars and got 3 of them.

3. Gaslight (1944)
In the thriller "Gaslight" Ingrid plays a woman named Paula, almost brought to madness by her husband. Moved after the wedding in the house, where many years ago she witnessed the murder of his aunt, the young wife begins to hear sounds, and the gas light fades in the night itself ... This gradually leads to paranoia, but it starts to become clear when an event interferes Inspector Brian .
For the role of floors in the Gaslight Ingrid received her first Oscar for Best Actress, so the level of its mastrestva acting in this film is not worth doubt!

4. "Spellbound" (1944)
Ingrid Bergman was one of "Hitchcock Blonde" and played in three of his films, and "Spellbound" - one of them. Bergman played employee Institute of Psychiatry, which tied a passionate affair with the new director of the institute. However, the legendary Hitchcock's not that simple - a handsome scientist is an impostor and heroine Ingrid - Constantia - undertakes an investigation going on.
It is noteworthy that during the shooting between the protagonists of the fire of passion broke out not only in the frame, but also behind the scenes. Ingrid's husband was this, of course, extremely dissatisfied and tried to influence what is happening through the film's producers.

5. Joan of Arc at the stake (1948)
In 1948, Ingrid Bergman try on the role of the French warrior Joan of Arc in the film by Roberto Rossellini. For many years, Ingrid wanted to play Joan of Arc, before she has dabbled in the role on Broadway. In the film, she appeared in a slightly modified form of - a darker and shorter hair.
Despite the fact that for this role, Ingrid was nominated for an Oscar for best actress, the film is generally regarded as a failure. However, the reason for this is not in the movie in itself, and in the disclosure of an extramarital affair between the actress and film director Rossellini. No, it was not some petty affair - Bergman bore him a son being while still married to Lindstrom. This led to a big scandal and litigation Ingrid and her husband, but in spite of all obstacles Ingrid still left for Italy to the beloved, where their wedding took place, and where they were born two daughters, one of whom was the famous model. Despite the newfound happiness in your personal life, this period is considered the decline in the acting career, Ingrid Bergman, as public scandals led to a negative perception of her work.

6. Anastasia (1956)
Performance in the film "Anastasia" became triumphant return to Hollywood, Ingrid. The plot put the legend of the lost daughter of the last Russian tsar Anastasia. In addition to the stunning game Ingrid would like to mention gorgeous costumes era of tsarist Russia.
For the role of Anastasia Ingrid received her second Academy Award for Best Actress, and this was her first public appearance in public after a family scandal.

In addition to acting talent and prominent roles, Ingrid was also very interesting and controversial personality, but that's another story ... If after watching her best films you wanted to learn more about the personal life of the actress, her life is covered by one of the best biographers of our time Donald Spoto - the author of biographies of Marilyn Monroe and Audrey Hepburn.
Source: vev.ru/