The word "bully" is derived from the names
word bully everyone associated with the bad behavior of the child, a teenager, etc. However, it has not always been so important. In the XVIII and XIX century, it is not exactly found in the town Sausvork that near London, the family lived Hooligans, which had a very nasty reputation. Flouting all the legal and moral norms, relatives, led by Patrick hooligans hunted robbery in the county, rowdy, participated in the massacres. Even the Londoners often suffered from attacks of a family of Sausvorka. The notoriety of the Hooligans scattered throughout England.
Soon the name of the robbers entered the lexicon of the Londoners, who started so called urban pranksters and all those who rebelled against the established order. Particularly well the word "bully" was used in the south-eastern part of the capital of the British Empire. Finally, it was fixed in the English language for the popular comic song 90s of XIX century, the protagonist of which was Patrick Hooligan. And after a while, one of the newspapers did ne'er Bully character series of cartoons, jokes and parodies.
Source: neurology.mif-ua.com/archive/issue-11451/article-11490/