The most dangerous road in the world

royal path (El Caminito del Rey) was established as a subsidiary way for the workers engaged in the construction of the dam in 1905 in Malaga, Spain. It consists of concrete and driven into the rock rails. The length of the trail is 3 km, and its width of 1 meter.

Currently, the Royal trail is in very poor condition, almost everywhere destroyed handrail, and in many places, and the construction itself. Obviously, this is not a safe place, so access to the tourist trail is officially closed. However, many brave and extremists still manage to walk on it. Let's take a video tour of the Royal path!

See also: The trail of death in China. Beautiful and unpredictable road in Norway. Singing Cave Fingal. Unusual multicolored lake. Salinas Grandes - a snow-white desert of Argentina.
Source: yesway.ru/korolevskaya-tropinka-samaya-opasnaya-v-mire-doroga.html