Collision with an asteroid

new space exploration has revealed that about 47,000 giant asteroids may be the way of the collision with the Earth. WISE - an infrared space telescope, NASA took samples potentially hazardous asteroids near the planet, with a diameter of 100 meters and more, which are large enough to wipe out the entire city or region. They found 107 giant objects floating in a small area in space. Multiplying this number by the areas of space, they have not studied, the researchers concluded that about 47,000 asteroids represent a danger for us. Potentially hazardous asteroids are in orbits close to Earth, at a distance of around 8 million kilometers. In addition, they must be large enough to survive passing through Earth's atmosphere, causing damage to the local or larger scale. Meanwhile, British scientists at the University of Southampton have made a table of those countries that are most affected in the case of the asteroid. They identified the places where the greatest losses are possible, after which will be practically impossible vosstanovitsya.

10 countries at risk of a devastating asteroid: 1. United Kingdom 2. China 3. India 4. Indonesia 5. USA 6. Japan 7. Philippines 8. Italy 9. Brazil 10. Nigeria The new analysis showed that the more potentially hazardous asteroids might stay in orbit with a lower angle of inclination that are likely to align with the earth's orbit. Such asteroids are more likely to come close and fall to Earth. The discovery that many of the potentially hazardous asteroids, usually brighter, can say something about their composition. Rather, they are composed largely of stone, such as granite or metal. The composition of the asteroid may affect how quickly it will burn in the atmosphere, in the case of a possible collision.
Source: www.infoniac.ru/news/10-stran-kotorym-grozit-stolknovenie-s-asteroidom.html