Cat with wings
In China, there is a cat that has grown wings. His mistress, an elderly woman named Feng from the Chinese city Syanyang only given diva - an ordinary representative of the cat family all of a sudden got two processes, a length of about ten centimeters. And these wings are made up of bones and makes the animal, according to his mistress, like an angel. - First, they looked like a tumor, but for some month with a little quickly grew into full-fledged wings - says kitayanka.
The appearance of wings hostess explains that, perhaps, her cat was exposed to sexual violence. - In the spring it was precipitated by a crowd of cats, and then began to grow wings - she said. However, according to experts, the phenomenon is likely to be a consequence of a genetic mutation. They also argue that the existence of a normal cat "wings" do not interfere ... It is not the only cat with such anomalies. In November 1899 the magazine "Strand Magazine" published a picture of a kitten made in the village Uivliskom in Somerset, England. He had a couple of fluffy wings between the shoulders and hind legs. Other examples: Swedish cat with a wingspan of 60 centimeters, which was reported in June 1949; black and white winged cat, exhibited on display at Oxford Zoo in 1933 godu.
In the early 90-ies of the last century, Dr. Karl Shuker explained the riddle of winged cats. Animals suffer from feline cutaneous asthenia. Leather, stretching, forming the wing extension. They are quite gentle and often fall off without bleeding, thus creating the illusion that were dropped.
Source: kp.ua/daily/180811/296863/