A surfer in California
Resident of California Humboldt miraculously survived after a meeting with a shark. According to the local police department, twenty-five years a surfer Scott Stevens while swimming near the beach in Eureka was attacked by a shark. When Stevens climbed the wave, the great white shark bitten through its board, which is why he fell into vodu.
Shark began to attack him, but Stevens kicked her in the head and tried to sail away from the predator. "I saw a lot of blood around" - said the surviving surfers. Stevens climbed on board and catch a wave, brought quickly to shore. Other surfers called the emergency services and, together with the police sent the victim to the hospital of St. Joseph, where he underwent surgery. Currently, doctors assess the condition of Stevens as stable. According to Scott, it is going to continue to surf in spite of the injuries and the miraculous escape from death.
Source: www.ridus.ru/news/51191/