rover Curiosity first used at night camera MAHLI, mounted on a hand-manipulator. During the shooting unit uses the Martian surface with white and ultraviolet light. MAHLI tool was used to close the research facility under the name «Sayunei». It is located near the place where the machine a few weeks will begin drilling the Martian rocks. Pictures «Sayunei» rover were made on January 22 and received on Earth 23 yanvarya.
The picture was taken with a white backlight. The size of the male portion - 3.4 x 2.5 cm. "The purpose of shooting with ultraviolet illumination is to try to detect fluorescent minerals" - said Ken Edgett of Malin Space Science Systems.
Source: zhelezyaka.com/novosti/kosmos/nochnye-snimki-curiosity-7809/