Dutchman Wim Hof

to David Blaine is very far from Dutchman Wim Hof, who does not feel the cold. For all that his body does not suffer from the cold, even in the most extreme conditions. Well, for example, he did not just conquer the mountain peaks in shorts, or lay on the ice for a long vremya.

After tests conducted by doctors, it became clear that no changes of his body was not exposed. He seemed insensitive to the cold. Scientists can not explain it, but Wim Hof and further surprises people, normal feeling in conditions that any other person would be smertelnymi.

Yoga is usually associated with India, heat ... But the 52-year-old Dutchman Wim Hof is renowned for being engaged in yoga is not at a comfortable mat, and on the ice, while being almost naked, but absolutely calm. For this he was nicknamed "polar explorers» .

Hof eight times sets a world record, keeping the temperature below zero. Two years ago, he participated in the half marathon in Finland and ran 22 km in 20-degree frost in shorts. In 2008, the Dutchman spent 73 minutes and 48 seconds under ice water prorubi.

His friend, the photographer Henny Bugert with which they met over 25 years ago, soctavil report all "exploits" Hof. He says that "polar explorers" can often be seen in the winter in the parks of Amsterdam, sitting in the midst of frozen lakes where it is engaged in yoga or reading a book.

Two friends also swam together on glaciers in Antarctica and sat in a huge freezer, playing chess. "I could not win a game of chess, it is not my game - says Bugert. - I just tried hard not to freeze to death ».

But, fortunately, in their life reigns is not the only one cold. They travel in warmer climes - for example, in Miami - where Hof teaches people the art of control over their own body and mind. "Wim trains your body from an early age, and he firmly believes in the triumph of mind over matter" - adds Bugert.
Source: mirfactov.com/