Walking a tightrope

Slacklining or walking on a tightrope free - a kind of extreme sport where the rope is attached freely and significantly deviates from a straight line is not only down by gravity, but also in both directions due to efforts ekvilibrista.

To make these spectacular images Extreme and photographer Brian Mosby took a walk on a tightrope 850 meters in the vicinity of Rio de Janeiro. Slacklining word comes from the English. Slackline: slack - sagging, weak; line - liniya.

Unlike walking on a tightrope it is that instead of having to keep the center of gravity of the rope balancer is to sum up the rope under your feet the center of gravity of its tela.

Slacklining history began in the Californian Yosemite Valley in the early 1980s. Two other Grossovsky Adam and Jeff Ellington walked through the circuits, enclosing one of the local parking. This idea quickly gained unexpected rasprostranenie.

Source: mirfactov.com/