Twins were born with a difference of 87 days

Twins Amy (Amy) and Katie (Katie) from Waterford in Ireland were born with a difference of 87 days, claiming the Guinness world record of the longest interval between twins. Their mother Maria Jones-Elliot (Maria Jones-Elliott) gave birth to the first of the twins Amy 4 months earlier than you expect, while the second Kathy was born 3 months after Amy. Doctors believe that the case of the birth of healthy twins with such a big difference-it's like winning the lottery. The birth of the twins to the mother it became one of the most difficult periods in life. The first girl Amy was born at 24 weeks after the mother prematurely departed vody.

The chances of survival of both twins were very small. However, after the birth of Amy, Mary stopped the fight and attempt to induce childbirth or to no avail. After that, the parents and the doctors decided not to intervene in the sobytiy.

"When a woman begins to give birth to twins, the uterus contracts and the kids are born one after the other for about an hour. But Mary stopped the bout and Kathy (the other girl) remained within ", - told doctors. While the first girl was in an incubator for premature babies, Mary every day expecting the birth of a second bliznyashki.

In the end, childbirth caused the relatively safe 36 weeks and 3 days pregnant. The girl was born weighing 2 to 5 kg, was named Cathy. "The nurse took Katie and put it in an incubator, and face-to-sister Amy just smiled. There was no doubt that they know each other, "- says my mother. After Mary's husband, Chris went to register the twins, it has caused some confusion. The birth certificate says that Amy Elliott, the first twin was born on June 1, and Kathy Elliott, the other twin was born on 27 August. The couple already have two older children, Olivia, 13, and Jack, 11 let.

The representative of the Guinness World Records, said that after the birth of the twins with a difference of 87 days will beat the current record of 84 days, which is owned by Peggy Lynn (Peggy Lynn) of Pennsylvania in the United States.
Source: www.infoniac.ru/news/V-Irlandii-rodilis-bliznecy-s-raznicei-v-87-dnei.html