British electrician

Electric, which had such a high excess weight that his company had to buy him a specially reinforced van, received the title of "Most emaciated man in 2013" after dropped more than half its weight .

36-year-old Dean Uorell lost almost 103 kg after being fired and was afraid that he could not find another job because of their body composition. After making drastic changes in your diet it has reached normal constitution in less than two years. In 2009, after several years of eating fried food and ice cream, Dean had such a high overweight, he was unable to perform basic tasks on the job, including could not get up the stairs and squeeze into small spaces. Before losing weight, he was eating a full English breakfast with sausage and eggs, and then ate lunch pie and chips, and his dinner consisted of chicken or pizza with bacon and cheese, and chips with a large portion of ice cream on desert.

Having no family, he fell into depression in August 2010 after 18 months No results searching for a new job. In one interview, he even had to ask for a wider seat, with the result that he finally realized that he had an urgent need to lose weight.
Source: mirfactov.com/