New suit will hide man from shark

Australian experts have developed a swimming suit that protects against shark attacks. According to the developers, it conceals a person from these marine predators. The costume was created in collaboration with researchers from the University of Western Avstralii.

Our product specialists called Diverter. The suit has a strip through which the shark takes a person for a poisonous fish and does not dare to attack. The second version of the suit called Elude masks human vode.

According to Australian experts, they spent on the creation of antiakulego costume is about two years. Researchers have tested a new product using baits near the town of Perth. Experience has shown that sharks do not attack the bait if it is hidden under kostyumom.

It is known that the shark is very well developed sense of smell, but scientists believe that just before the shark attack relies on vision. Experts believe that although the shark and feels the presence of a person in the water, the attack is unlikely, if the predator does not see the victim. In order to determine how best to put stripes on the suit, used special software obespechenie.

Source: zhelezyaka.com/novosti/raznoe/kostyum-protiv-akuly-8578/