Cave City in Nepal

hidden in the Himalayas at a height of 50 meters from the ground artificial caves are one of the greatest archeological mysteries of the world that scientists are trying to solve today.

Thousands of holes carved into the fragile sand-colored rock. This rock is located in the gorge, which is so great that it overshadows the world-famous Grand Canyon. A huge number of caves were dug into the rock thousands of years ago, but who built this cave city, and why, remains a mystery. Also, it is still unknown, as the people in them climb - Ridge cave is at an altitude of about 50 meters above the ground.

Ten thousand of these mysterious man-made caves have been discovered in the former kingdom of Mustang, located in the northern part of modern Nepal. Those who have seen these caves, they say that because they rock like a giant sand castle.

The photographer and adventurer Cory Richards joined climber Pete Athans, archaeologist Mark Aldenderferu and a team of researchers to find hidden in the mysterious caves of ancient relics.

"I worked in the Nepalese village called Forte, where Pete was preparing a group of climbers to ascend Everest. It was then that he invited me to participate in the study cave city ", - says Richards.

Photographer acknowledges that one of the reasons he agreed to take part in the expedition, it was eloquence Athans. "Pete started telling me about the place where we had to go. The words that he used, shook my imagination and I knew I had to see this place with my own eyes, "- says Richards.

However, getting to the place, his eyes appeared the picture was much more impressive than he could have imagined.

The ascent to the caves was not easy. The rock was unstable, and the team members were in constant danger. The rise in the cave was so difficult and dangerous that he lost balance Richards, fell and broke his back. During the next ascent videographer Lincoln was hit by a falling stone that broke his skull. However, both have fully recovered. "It was pretty scary and dangerous. One of the things about which I think we forget when we talk about the adventures and science - this is a very dangerous pastime "- said Richards in an interview with Mail Online.
Source: fedpost.ru/foto/43590-arxeologi-riskuya-zhiznyu-pytayutsya-razgadat-tajnu.html