"Russian iPhone" will be released in November
Smartphone YotaPhone, which the press dubbed "Russian iPhone», will go on sale in November. According to the newspaper "Vedomosti", now the Russian company Yota Devices in talks with retailers and operators to supply the device. pre-order the new product can already be left to the manufacturer's website.
Yota Devices estimates smartphone in 20 thousand rubles. But retailers, the newspaper writes, want to demand more for it - 22-25 thousand. The company continues to lead the negotiations related to the purchase volume and the final cost of the device.
Yota Devices was part of the holding "Skartel", which owns the rights to the brand Yota. In 2011, the unit was allocated a separate company. In December 2012, the manufacturer announced YotaPhone - 4, 3-inch smartphone with two screens. Gadget warmly welcomed the Western press, and at CES in January, he won the nomination "Best Product" by the American edition of CNET high technology.
YotaPhone has two displays: a color LCD (1280x720), which is located on the front panel, and a black-and-white e-ink based. The second can display information (SMS, email, maps, books and so on.) For a long time without fading, and thus save battery. Another advantage of the new items - 12-megapixel camera. At the heart lies YotaPhone operating system Android.
The main screen of the gadget made for Japan Display (a joint venture between Toshiba, Sony and Hitachi), extra - Taiwanese company eInk, and the processor set Qualcomm. It was stated that the Russian company signed a contract to build a "large Asian manufacturer which collects the premium for Apple and Google».